रामानन्द सरस्वतीलाई समेत उल्लेख गर्नुभएको रहेछ । बुद्धका दर्शनमा ईश्वर, आत्मा, ब्रह्म आदि कुनै पनि नित्य ध्रुव पदार्थको गुञ्जाइश नरहँदा– Continue reading →, शीरमा श्री लेख्नै पर्दैन असल सखिया भइ दिए उ फरक बीज हो स्वयंमा शिक्षा – स्नातकोत्तर हिमाल मौन ! All poem of Bhanu bhakta poem competition. तर Because of this quality Bhanubhakta’s poetry was very powerful and attractive to scholars as well as ordinary people.”, Professor Michael Hutt also notes Bhanubhakta’s literary importance in his book, Nepali: A National Language and Its Literature (1988). sandhyathapa November 24, 2020 November 24, 2020. रोए अनि कराए म सुन्ने कोहि नहुदा.. भ्रममा नपर साथी! पढि-लेखी ठूलो भई मेरो जोबन यहाँ तिम्रा मनका आँखाले नियालेर except with the prior written permission of ECS Media Pvt. भागवत आचार्य आदिले । करण सिंहका लहैलहैमा लागेर ‘बौद्ध दर्शन र उपनिषद्हरुको प्रतिपाद्य विषय एउटै होे’ भन्ने अर्थ लगाउन पनि उहाँहरुले खर्चिएका शब्द पढेर असहमति लेख्न म बाध्य भएको छु । उहाँहरुले प्रसंगवश नेपालको राष्ट्रपति भवनमा तस्विर बनेर झुण्डिएका भारतीय वेदान्ती राधाकृष्णन् र देवघाटका वेदान्तज्ञाता डा. दोस्रो भारदार : तीन दिन भै’सक्यो समाचार नआएको । अचम्म ! भित्र बाहिर सबै देख्यौ ? उ तिमीजस्तो हुनै सक्दैन ! In three short chapters, the historical and cultural context of Bhanubhakta’s life is told, including by his personal and literary accomplishments. फागुको दिन, र वेविलोन जो धेरैपटक नष्ट भयो कसले पटक–पटक निर्माण गरिदियो ? Acharya was educated by his grandfather, Shri Krishna Acharya. हारे हरुवाको माला लगाउँछौ फलामको Bhanubhakta Acharya (भानुभक्त आचार्य, (1814 – 1868) was a Nepalese poet, translator, and writer. उमेर – पच्चिस वर्ष सुसाउने छैन । Continue reading →, हरेक हिउद पछि बर्षा आउथ्यो र जान्थ्यो । त्यसरि नै अनगिन्ति हिउदहरु आफ्नै गतिमा बहदै गई रह्यो । जिन्दगीका धेरै हिउदहरु बितेर गएपनि मलाई फ्रेडरिक एङ्गेल्सले म्यानचेस्टरमा बिताएका ठाउँहरु पुग्न रहर पालि रहेको थियो । तिनै रहरहरु लाई साकार पार्न एक दिन हामी लाईम स्ट्रिट लिभरपुल रेल स्टेसन पुगेका थियौ । बिहानको दश बजे स्टेसन भित्र छिरेपछि भित्तामा देखाईएका बिधुतिय सुचना पार्टीलाई मैले एक झलक नियालेर हेरे । दश बजेर सत्र मिनेटमा एउटा रेल म्यानचेस्टर तर्फ जादै गरेको देखेपछि तिनै रेललाई सामातेर त्यसतर्फ जाने हामीले निधो गर्यौ ।, तारालाई सानो स्वरमा भने र हिडदै टिकट किन्ने काउन्टर नजिकै पुगे । म त्यहाँ पुग्दा केहि मानिसहरु काउन्ट Continue reading →, मात्र दुई वटा विकल्प दिइयो- He died there in 1868 after a productive literary life, much of it in Kathmandu. अर्थात् निर्माण र विनासका शृंखलाहरु ! So he also became a Brahmins of Sanskrit. The biography has six Appendices, five with selected poetry in translation, including a part of the Ramayana epic. He was the first writer to translate the great epic Ramayana from Sanskrit to Nepali. जिते विजेताको माला लगाउँछौ फूलको And hoping to be remembered, he dug a well. अवश्य । परिचय नै नगरी त कुरै गर्न मिलेन नि । कुरो खुल्दैन पनि । अग्निचक्रसँगको मेरो चिनजान पातलै हो । ज्ञानको विविध विधाको संयोजित स्वरूप बोकेर प्रकाशित हुने गरेको यो पत्रिका स्तरीय र पठनीय छ । अग्निचक्रले मलाई कसरी चिन्दछ म जान्दिन तर विभिन्न समाजले मलाई फरकफरक रूपमा जान्दछ चिन्दछ । मलाई मानामुठीको जोहोमेसोको बाटो देखाइदिने विद्याको अनुरागीहरूको समाजतिरका धेरैजसोले मलाई गणित शिक्षकका रूपमा चिन्दछन् । आफ्नो जीवनको चार दशकभन्दा पनि बढीको समय यही काम गरेर बिताइँदैछ । गणित पढनेपढाउने भएकैले पनि हो कि बेरोजगार कहिल्यै हुनु परेन,बरु ठाउँ धेरै चहारियो । शिक्षकको पेसामा सुखशयलभन्या त्यस्तै हो । यो Continue reading →, खोइ हिजो तिमी कहाँ थियौ ? His father sent him to get proper education of that time in Sanskrit language. BBC 100 Women 2020: Sapana Roka Magar. प्रेम र घृणाका प्रकरणहरु April 21, 2014 facemeu.com. In it is the bust of a famous 19th century literary giant of Nepal, Bhanubhakta Acharya, and the image of a lowly grass-cutter about whom Bhanubhakta wrote in one of the most beloved and famous of all Nepali poems. कति पुस्ता बितिसके गरी यही काम ।।, चिनिॅया र आसामेली – दुईथरी यस्को जात Continue reading →, सुदूर देशबाट … अनुवादक – मनु मन्जिल, थेब्स सहरका सातद्वार कसले बनायो ? In 1925, the manuscript of Satkanda Ramayana was put together. मस्कदै मस्कदै नागार्जुनबाट फटयांग्रोले रात्रि कालिन गीतहरु गाउन छोडछन् Some of Ran's poems are translated into Nepali by Suman Pokhrel and are published in print and online literary journals. व्याकुल भएर थुकेको थुकको छिटा ढुङ्गा माटो गेगरमाथी थचारेको थियो..!! तिमीलाई देख्नेहरुको भर पर्दै Continue reading →, बाक्लिएको दूरीसंगै He was known as Aadikavi Bhanubhakta Acharya. लोचनबाट मोती झर्दैन असल सखिया भइ दिए, जीवनसाथी,पढाइ साथी,घनिष्ट होस वा अरु कोही Copyright ©2021 ECS Media Pvt. मुसो एक्लो म ! अक्षरवार्तारूपी यो कुरोकानी परिचयबाट नै थालौँ कि ..? The Career of Bhanubhakta as a History of Nepali National Culture, 1940-1999. नभन भो अब मायालु बन्नेछु म त ज्ञानी, अनेक छन् प्रतिभा म भित्र Bhanubhakta Acharya was born in 1871 BS in a place called Chundi Ramgha in present-day Tanahu district to a wealthy family. अहँ, जुनसुकै प्रयत्नले पनि Born to a Brahmin family in 1814 in Tanahu, he received at home an excellent education with a strong leaning towards religion from his grandfather. Whatever wealth and riches I have are in my home. रूपिॅया फल्ने बुच्का हाम्रो चिया यस्को नाम Nepali poet, translator and writer. There is a saying that a grass cutter who inspired Bhanu to serve the public with good deeds. तनहुँ, अषाढ २९ - भानु-३ चुँदी रम्घास्थित नेपाली साहित्यका आदिकवि भानुभक्त आचार्य जन्मिएको घर संरक्षण नहुँदा भग्नावशेष मात्रै बाँकी छ । The composition of bhanubhakta' acharya's gives the important role to establishment of nepali language. अन्धकार रहेछ जीवन Continue reading →. वृद्ध भारदार : जब दरबार छाड्दै गर्दा मैले उसलाई देखेको थिएँ, उसका आँखामा अनौठो दृष्टि थियो Continue reading →, ‘यदि ज्ञान बाँड्न सकिंदैन भने त्यो महत्वहीन हुन्छन् ।’, भौतिकशास्त्री मिचीको काकुको उक्त्त भनाइले मलाई जिन्दगीमा यदाकदा घचघच्याइ रहेको हुन्थ्यो । आफ्नो जीवन कालमा मानिसले जे अध्यान एबम अनुभव गरेका हुन्छन् ति सबै बाँड्न सकेभने समाजले राम्रो फाइदा लिन सक्छहोला जस्तो मेरो मनमा लागि रहन्थ्यो । त्यसैलाई आधार मानेर मैले भर्खरै लिएको कोरोना अनुभवलाई अक्षररुपि भाषामा परिणत गर्ने यहाँ जमर्को गरिरहेको छु ।, हुन त यस धर्तिमा जीवनरुपी भरयाङ्गको मैले पचपन्न खुटकिलाहरु पार गरिसकेको थिएँ । तैपनि बास्तविक जिन्दगीको परिभाषा अझै खोजिरहेको थिएँ । झन कुनै कुनैबेला यस्तो लाग्ने गर्दथ्यो । जन्मदेखी मृत्युसम्मको Continue reading →, भारतीय राजनीतिकर्मी एवं वेदान्ती करण सिंहका प्रशंसामा शब्द खर्च गर्नुभएछ शारदा शर्मा र डा. लु को बुट बजार्दै Latest News. He lived for 54 years. Ltd. Vidyarthi Pustak Bhandar, Bhotahity, Kathmandu, 2011; 139pp., 3 main chapters: (1) Background, (2) Bhanubhakta Acharya (1814-1868): His Life, and (3) Bhanubhakta Acharya: The Man and the Poet, plus Appendices, Bibliography, and Index. ‘श्रीमान गम्भीर’ बाटो फरकफरक बनायो Continue reading →, पहाड़ मधेश तराई सबैतिर रूपिॅयाको पौधा If you have taken the road from Kathmandu to Pokhara you may have noticed, about 5 km east of Damauli (the Tanahun District town), a small gated park on the north side of the road. facemeu.com, 9841301453. This is the main reason to celebrate the Bhanu jayanti every years. मेरो जोबनलाई वृद्ध भारदार : हिजोको रात कुर्दैमा बित्यो, आजको बिहान पनि । The poem is called ‘Ghasi Kuwa’ (literally ‘Grassy Well’ or, better, ‘The Grass-Cutter’s Well’), and the memorial park is near the site of the original ghasi kuwa. Despite having other contemporary poets in the country during his time, he is revered and honoured with the title of Aadikavi of the Nepali language. हिमालका पर्खालहरुवाट कपाल छोटो, रंग गोरो, स्वाभिमानी विचारधारा मुस्कान, नेत्र दौरा सुरुवाल पनि फर्कियो Nepali adikavi Bhanubhakta Acharya was born on 29 Asar 1871 in Chudi Ramgha of Tanahu District. Ltd. All rights reserved. He was born in Nepal in a village called Ramgha in a brahmin family and got his education in his home by his grand father. The materials on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, पिता पुर्खा मुग्लान पसे यी पोथ्राले गर्दा।। Even if Bhanubhakta used some words of Hindi/Urdu such as hajur [sir or ma’m] and malik [boss, master], these were already assimilated into Nepali so they did not sound foreign to the readers. He was born in a village called Chundi Ramgh of Tanahun district in Nepal. Nepali Poet Bhanubhakta. आँखाका नुनिला पानीले गलाएर Despite having other … शून्यताको गुँडभित्र पूर्णताको वास छ तिमी फर्कि आउने प्रतिक्षामा He was the one who translated Ramayana from Sanskrit to Nepali. बेलतलाको खुल्ला सडकमा।, ती तीब्र उज्याला परिवेशहरू Bhanubhakta Acharya was a Nepali poet, translator and writer. Bhanu jayanti is celebrated as important as dashain in some places of india like darjaling and sikim. He translated the great epic 'Ramayana' from Sanskrit to Nepali. Gabriela Mistral-Wikipedia. भन्छन सबले सिर्जनाको खानी All information has been reproduced here for educational and informational purposes. भगवानले मान्छे बनाएको देखेको छैन Continue reading →, पात्र परिचय: साहित्य सङ्ग्रहालयमा यहाँलाई हार्दिक स्वागत छ । कृपया आफ्नो सुझाब सल्लाह kritisangraha@gmail.com मा दिनुहोला ।, भलाकुसारी : समाजले मलाई फरक फरकरुपमा चिन्दछ –इस्माली, अनुभूति : बेलायतमा कोरोना अनुभव र पुनर्जीवन, विचार मन्थन : वेदान्त, बुद्ध : विषय र व्याख्या, इलामेली टीकाराम दुलाल - Ilameli Tikaram Dulal, समीक्षा : हायमनदास राई किरातको चौकिदार कथा, समालोचना : हायमनदास राई "किरात"का कथाहरूको कथ्य र शिल्प-विन्यास. तिमिलाई हामीले कहाँ खोजेनौ ? I, Bhanubhakta have done nothing with my wealth. The 204th birth anniversary of Aadi Kavi( first poet) Bhanu Bhakta Acharya is being celebrated across the nation on July 13. He was Born in 1814 in Chudi Ramgha, Tanahu District. चाहना छ मेरो पनि Continue reading →. भयो विचित्र The Nepali readers found the language of Bhanubhakta’s Ramayana very clear, simple and living (actually spoken by the contemporary native speakers of Nepali). गए रात मैले तिमीलाई स्पर्श गरें Ramayan is the Ancient Religious Novel of Hindus. He writes there that “Those who represent Bhanubhakta as a jan kavi , a folk poet, argue that his language is so imbued with nepalipan (‘Nepali-ness’) that it is comprehensible even to the illiterate when read aloud, and they attribute great popularity to his Ramayana among the common people of Nepal.”. रसायनिक प्रतिक्रिया शुरु हुन्छ भित्र-भित्रै शरीर भरी जताततै चिथारेको थियो..!! Santosh Shah at UK’s Master Chef. He was born into a high-class brahmin family. अब त लत्रक्कै Continue reading →, जब जलप्रपातले रुझेका कौलास्ने रातहरुमा He is the grandson of Shreekrishna Acharya and son of Dhanjay Acharya. कला गोष्टीमा रमेशले केही दिनअघि आफूले पढेको अङ्ग्रेजी लेखकको एउटा मरुभूमिको निकै राम्रो कथा राम्ररी वर्णन गऱ्यो। श्रोताहरूमध्ये मनोजले साह्रै चाख लिएर सुनेको थियो। अन्तमा उसले त्यस कला वर्णनमाथि केही जिज्ञासा पनि राखेको थियो। यथार्थमा त्यस कथाले उसलाई प्रभावित पारेको थियो। अरू श्रोताहरूले त्यस कुराको लख काटेका थिए। Continue reading →, मेरा यात्रीहरु, लौ हेर मेरो मन चित्र His adaptation of the Hindu epic, Ramayana, earned his reputation as the greatest literary figure of the Nepali language. Bhanu Bhakta Acharya is a Nepali poet. What a lesson this grass-cutter has given! About Bhanubhakta Acharya. Nrs 200. ज्यामीको निधारमा Continue reading →. He was born in Nepal in a village called Ramgha in a brahmin family and got his education in his home by his grand father. दृश्य (केही भारदार, एकजना वृद्ध भारदार पनि, उनीहरु विशाल राजदरबारको सभा–कक्षमा भेला भएका छन् । सबै चिन्तित मुद्रामा देखिन्छन् ।) के राजाहरूले नै ती खस्रा, बडे–बडे ढुंगाहरू उचालेर ल्याए ? मनको माया मर्दै मर्दैन असल सखिया भइ दिए Continue reading →, आज्ञाकारी बालक म And though ‘Ghasi Kuwa’ is famous, his most notable accomplishment was translating the ancient Sanskrit epic, Ramayana, into colloquial Nepali. Continue reading →, सवै दिशामा अनि तिमी पनि ! साथमा मेरो छाया छ, म एक्लो छैन… ।, ईश्वरले मलाई हात दुवै दिए र देखिन थाल्छन् विविध दृश्यहरु कि हार्न तयार हौ र हात उठाऊ अनुवाद : त्रिवेणी. सबै गाउंमा He was born in 1814 at Chundi Ramgha gaun (village) in Tanahu district of western Nepal. This language was largely free from the influence of Sanskrit or Urdu/Hindi. Bhanubhakta is entitled as Aadhi kabi is has great influence in the Nepali Liturature. Bhanubhakta Acharya was a Nepali poet, translator and writer. भट्टी भट्टी खोज्यौं, अव विस्तारै फर्कन सक्छ Bhanubhakta Acharya (Nepali: भानुभक्त आचार्य) (1814 AD – 1868 AD) The first poet of Nepal. १. The articles on this site are the property of their respective authors. लिंग – महिला It is a remarkable achievement, pieced together in part from fragments of manuscripts and obscure references in old accounts and oral history. In so doing he established the basis for modern written Nepali. I have no well, nor inns nor rest houses Bhanubhakta Acharya Bhanubhakta Bhanubhakta (1814-1868) was a Nepali poet who translated the great epic "Ramayana" from Sanskrit to Nepali. चीरहरण भइछाड़्यो आँखा खोलेपछि Pandit Kaviraj Nara Nath Acharya (Nepali :पण्डित कविराज नरनाथ आचार्य) (1906–1988) was the author of the Authentic (True) Biography of Bhanubhakta Acharya (1814–1868), first published in 1960. तिमीलाई सुन्नेहरुको पछि लाग्दै तर पनि पग्लिनु स्थिर हुनु होइन, दोस्रो भारदार : उनीहरु राज्यका सबै कुनाकाप्चामा पुगेका हुन्, यो भन्दा अधिक के नै गरुन् र ? सुनै सुनले चम्केको लिमा सहरको सपना रहेछ जीवन त्यसैले । कहिले म सोच्दछु, रङ्गिन हल्लाहरू – म खोक्रो भएको छु । मभित्र शब्दहरू अचेल आउन मान्दैनन् । मसँग खेल्न चाहँदैनन् । मद्वारा लेखिन मान्दैनन् ।, ~ यो आफ्नैै खोक्रोपन ? न सम्झ अब भो मलाई साहित्य सुमन‎ > ‎Bhanubhakta Acharya‎ > ‎ कान्तिपुरी नगरी posted Jul 25, 2012, 6:56 PM by Weall Nepali [ updated Feb 22, 2013, 11:18 PM ] kavita on mother in nepali,nepali kabita apps,nepali kabita ashu,nepali kabita baba, nepali kabita by lekhnath paudyal nepali kabita bachan manoj bhandari nepali kabita bhupi sherchan,nepali kabita by bhanubhakta acharya nepali kabita balkrishna sama,nepali kabita bhukampa nepali kabita com,nepali kabita collection ‘Tis a shame to sit idle without doing some good deed. During his life, besides being a householder and family man, he wrote poetry and translated Sanskrit texts. For all who appreciate the history of Nepali literature and poetry, this is an important read. Contact Us of Web Design, Web Development & Hosting. Continue reading →. क्याफेरिनामा, Join Facebook to connect with Bhanubhakta Acharya and others you may know. Bhanubhakta Acharya , who started Balkand in 1898, had written Ayodhyakand, Aranyakand, Kishkindh Kand and Sunderkand in 1911 in Kumarichok Kand, five months imprisonment War in 1915 and B.S. Virtually every schoolchild knows the poem, which in English goes like this: Devoting his life to cutting grass, he earned some money; Continue reading →. वृद्ध भारदार : हाम्रा दूत बाहिर जान्छन्, आँउछन् । सधैँ नै शिर झुकाएर टाउको हल्लाउने, उनीहरुको उत्तरमा पुनरावृत्ति हुन्छ, “अत्तोपत्तो छैन” ! हेर त कान्छा.. पहाड र खोंच He wrote Uttarkand in 1919. यी हातले म केही गर्न सक्दिन दारी पाल्दैमा न त मार्क्स बनिन्छ, Continue reading →, फुटेका काँचका चुरा हुँ Bhanubhakta was born nearby, in 1814, into an educated Brahmin family of Tanahun District. He is the first person to translate the epic Ramayana from Sanskrit to the Nepali Language. उ कैंयौ वर्षहरू तिम्रै बाटो कुर्दा कुर्दै He translated the great epic Ramayana from Sanskrit to Nepali language. Bhanubhakta had translated the Ramayan from Sanskrit to Nepali language. Bhanubhakta Acharya (भानुभक्त आचार्य, (1814 – 1868) was a Nepalese poet, translator, and writer. सास छउञ्जेल जीवनको अनमोल आस छ पानी हुनु हो । यो युगमा Bhanubhakta Acharya – Kantipuri Nagari (3,298) Bhupi Sherchan – Ghumne Mech Mathi Andho Manchhe (3,173) Amar Nembang Limbu – Hamro Desh (Euta Rashtriya Geet) (2,725) Bhanu Bhakta Acharya – Prashnottar Mala (2,646) Bimala Tumkhewa – Gulabi Akash Ra Ek Din (2,623) Bhanubhakta Acharya – Ek Man Chitta Lagai Chakari Garya (2,571) The second edition of the book was published in 1979. झ्याउँकिरीहरुले Continue reading →, बुढी गाई त पहिलै थियो असल मेरो बानी पहिलो भारदार : हामीसँग धैर्यको विकल्प छैन । यतिबिघ्न बाधा सहनुको कुनै उपलब्धी रहेन । शायद, हामीलाई अकस्मात छोडेझैं, ऊ अकस्मात फर्किन पनि सक्छ । Along the way, the biographer points out that unlike his predecessors who were unable to translate the Ramayana in a fashion easily accessed by the common Nepalese, “Bhanubhakta was successful in translating the story of the Ramayana into the Nepali language spoken by the people of his time. अल्पसङ्ख्यक आदिवासी द्रौपदीको If you are already wise to the ways of CSGN, feel free to skip to... Join our newsletter to get exclusive articles on every issue of ECS Nepal. As a boy and young man he was taught by Nepalese and Indian scholars of Sanskrit. Virtually every schoolchild knows the poem, which in English goes like this: Devoting his life to cutting grass, he earned some money; The final Appendix is ‘A Tentative List of Fragments of Manuscripts from the House of the Descendants of Gandadatta Acharya,’ illustrated. Bhanubhakta Acharya is reagarded as the first poet of Nepal who wrote first time in Nepali language. Bhanubhakta was born in 1814 AD (1874 BS) on July 13. वसन्त फुल्दो…… भ्यागुतोले बिट बक्सहरु बजाउन छोडछन्, जब उतिस(रुखको आड लिएर सिरेटो शत्रु सुस्त सुस्त ढल्न लागेको In it is the bust of a famous 19th century literary giant of Nepal, Bhanubhakta Acharya, and the image of a lowly grass-cutter about whom Bhanubhakta wrote in one of the most beloved and famous of all Nepali poems. As a Brahmin family was born, the education and upbringing of Bhanubhakta was done accordingly in religious and cultural disciplines. –    Where there is a will, there is a way.”. This book on Bhanubhakta’s life is by one of his direct descendants, the diplomat and linguist Jayaraj Acharya PhD. He was educated at home by his grandfather, Shri Krishna Acharya. Disclaimer : Bhanubhakta Acharya. कि जित्न तयार हौ र लड्न आऊ Bhanu Bhakta Acharya was born in a well-to-do Brahmin family in Chundi Ramgha Village of Tanahun in 1871 BS. His poems were later published by famous poet Motiram Bhatta. किताबका पानाहरूभरि त राजाहरूको नाम छ फूल काँडाको हाँसो – View the profiles of people named Bhanubhakta Acharya. लेक र बेंसी जब सीकसीक लाग्दा त्यो लामो रजनीहरुमा घुमिहिडेको छ शहरमा यो दुईमा एक रोज्ने विकल्प Continue reading →, आगोको साइरन बजाएर Prastut Chalise जहाँ शिशुहरुको मुस्कानको अर्थ छैन । Continue reading →, मलाई थाहा छैन, म के लेख्न गइरहेको छु ? सारी चोलो फर्कियो ■. Since the Nepali listener and readers had got oppertunity to listen and read Nepali Ramayan in Nepali language. भरियाको थाप्लोमा Continue reading →, ~ब्रर्तोल्त ब्रेख्त~ कुन घरमा बस्थे त्यसका निर्माताहरू ? He … तिम्रो दुःखलाई सुम्सुम्याएं तिनीहरु मेरै रहेछन् He was the first writer to translate the great epic Ramayana from Sanskrit to Nepali. Studies in Nepali History and Society, 1999. एक् मन् चित्त लगाइ चाकरि गर्याँ| Bhanubhakta Acharya Poem| Sandhya Thapa. गरेको छ आनन्दको चिरहरण के लेख्न चाहन्छु ? हाम्रो शहरमा पसेको छ Continue reading →, (केही भारदार, एकजना वृद्ध भारदार पनि, उनीहरु विशाल राजदरबारको सभा–कक्षमा भेला भएका छन् । सबै चिन्तित मुद्रामा देखिन्छन् ।), पहिलो भारदार : अहिलेसम्म केही अत्तोपत्तो छैन । हो मलाई अपराधीले पछारेको थियो.. टुटेको साथको विदा।, न बोलाउ मलाई गाजलु ओर्लन सक्छ निर्वासित अतित ! नाम थाहा नभएपनि हुन्छ। Continue reading →, हामी मोटरबाटो छोडेर ओरालो लाग्दा साइला धुरा प्राथमिक विद्यालय बायाँपट्टि पर्‍यो । पहाडजत्तिकै पुरानो त्यस स्कुलको भित्तोमा अँगार र चकले लेखिएका किरिङमिरिङ अक्षर देख्दा लाग्यो, यो भित्तो साहित्यकार पारिजातको जन्मकुण्डली हो, जहाँ ग्रहहरू किरिङमिरिङका अतिरिक्त केही पनि देखिँदैनन्, दार्जिजिङमा ।, २०७४ सालको दोस्रो दिन । प्रतिभा प्रेरणा परिषद् बिजनबारी र चिया कविता सिक्किमको निम्तोमा जरा फाउन्डेसनले हामीलाई दार्जिजिङ पुर्‍याएको थियो ।हामी साइला धुरा स्कुलको आडबाट ओरालो लागिरहेका थियौं । सिमसिम पानीले पूरै भिजोको थियो लिंगिया । ओरालो बाटोमा बनाइएका ढुंगाका खुट्किलाहरू निकै Continue reading →, उपसंहार – पेशा – विध्यार्थी पग्लिन्छन् रेखाहरू भएर, कि शून्य झैँ स्थिर हुन्छन् His all family member were Brahmins scholar. The grass-cutter is poor at home, but so rich in spirit. कहिले पाटन तिर, पहिरन – साधारण आधुनिक पहिरन पाइन्ट र टि-सर्ट कहिले म सोच्दछु समुन्द्रको गहिराइवाट परिवेश पग्लिँदा नदी हुनु हो । Continue reading →, साहित्य सिर्जना स्वयंमा एक प्रकारको श्रम हो । साहित्य सिर्जनाका लागि बौद्धिक र मानसिक श्रमको प्राधान्य रहन्छ भने शारीरिक श्रमको प्रधानता रहने क्षेत्र वा कार्यहरू पनि छन् । यसको अर्थ भौतिक वा शारीरिक श्रम शून्यको स्थितिमा साहित्य सिर्जना हुनसक्छ भन्ने होइन । जुनसुकै श्रम र काम एकाकी अर्थात् बौद्धिक वा शारीरिकमध्ये कुनै एउटाको श्रमदानबाट मात्र पूरा हुन सम्भव छैन । यी दुवै श्रमको योगदान कुनै पनि कार्य सम्पादनका लागि अपरिहार्य छ, प्रधानता दुईमध्ये जसको रहे पनि । बौद्धिक र शारीरिक क्रियाशीलताको धेरथोर तर अनिवार्य संयोजनबाट नै श्रमको परिणामदायी रूपान्तरण सम्भव छ तर साहित्यबाट मिल्ने र लिने प्रथम सन्तुष्टि चाहिँ मानसिक वा बौद्धिक नै हुन्छ । Continue reading →, “जहाँ इच्छा त्यहाँ उपाय।” ... and collected in an anthology titled Manpareka Kehi Kavita. छिटो छिटो रोज /कुनै यौटा रोज गल्ली गल्ली खोज्यौं, रिक्सवालाको खोपिलामा च्यापिएर Born to a Brahmin family in 1814 in Tanahu, he received at home an excellent education with a strong leaning towards religion from his grandfather.

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