(Contrast it with the first example in that section: “My favorite hobby is gardening.”). But I doubt you’re much older than I am. 100 Contoh Kalimat Gerunds Dan Infinitives Beserta Pengertian Dan Penjelasannya Terlengkap. As much as my 52 years of life and almost 30 years of self-education has taught me, I cannot understand phrases such as this, “words based on verbs and expressing an action or a state of being but serving another grammatical function.”. Gerund merupakan komponen yang unik dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris, dimana lazimnya kita hanya mengenal mulai dari subjek hingga keterangan saja. Good article, Mark! Indirect Object (IO) Pengertian Indirect Object. Adverbial of time – this year, My son just completed 8th grade. Film Indonesia yang Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris – Kamu Sudah Nonton? Ah, another article that would’ve been extremely helpful for me way back when learning to write in grade school & high school…I’m pretty sure I never knew what a gerund was until college! Subject This is a widespread mistake in English by people who do not realize that the verb “consider” should be followed by an infinitive phrase starting with “to be”. I know what a gerund is; that is, I can recognize one when I see one. I typed “tanzund” when I should have typed “tanzend”. Subject. “I do my gardening in the morning” – I = my gardening? I need help. You will improve your English in only 5 minutes per day, guaranteed! Oke sahabat SBI kali ini saya akan membahas apa itu Gerund dan Infinitive dan bagaimana penggunaanya dalam kalimat. Alaska already belongs to the United States, and there is no way that anyone else can claim Alaska.” Obviously not. As far as the grammar issue, however, if I had nothing else to do but eat bonbons, I would probably take your advice and sit down and tackle grammar. Sebagai contoh Danny hit the wall atau Danny memukul tembok. Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! It was a glitch in the typing box here when I had started the sentence differently and didn’t delete everything I needed to delete. Consider the sentence: “Sir Thomas having finished breakfast, his butler removed the dishes and tableware.”. There is no need for “to be”, as “an obsession” is, as I said, an object complement. Indirect object adalah noun, pronoun, atau noun substitute yang menerangkan untuk siapa atau apa sesuatu dilakukan oleh action verb.Objek ini menjawab pertanyaan “to/for whom” atau “to/for what”. My spelling and my vocabulary skills are also proficient. )Running may be hard for some people. I cannot parse a sentence, I don’t know the parts of speech, I don’t know the difference between an object complement or a direct compliment. Rumus Gerund sebagai Objek Langsung (Gerund as Direct Object) Setelah memperhatikan contoh di atas, tentu sudah sedikit memahami mengenai gerund sebagai objek langsung. @thebluebird11: You are absolutely correct. Shopping in this town is good. It would be as you say if my interest were to garden an obsession (to make an obsession grow, if you will). Pengertian Indirect Object - Contoh Kalimat materi lengkap tentang direct object Bahasa Inggris seputar pengertian, fungsi, dan contoh. “Singing” is a noun acting as an indirect object in the sentence. Finally getting around to this after more than a week … Great discussion of the “gardening an obsession” issue — and I agree (1) that “an obsession” is an object complement, and (2) that “to be” isn’t necessary; it’s just an elliptical construction. I’ve only really learnt these sort of grammatical terms in the last few years, first as an EFL teacher and second because I write a language blog for foreign students. “consider my interest in gardening to be an obsession”. Meskpiun sama-sama diakhiri dengan kata-ing, kalimat yang mengandung gerund tidak secara otomatis merupakan kalimat present continuous tense (formula : S/pronoun + verb-ing + noun), untuk mempelajari perbedaannya kamu dapat mengunjungi halaman perbedaan gerund dan present participle. A gerund clause can be the object of a verb: I really enjoy swimming in the sea. Objects of prepositions – receive prepositions. In the words of Ian Anderson (of Jethro Tull) I am too old to rock ‘n’ roll but too young to die. As a result,I could write a good sentence, but I could not tell you why it was right or good. And as others have said – “gardening”, not “gardening an obsession” (which makes no sense), is the object of the preposition “in”. ), 2. “I consider Christine McVie and Donna Summer to be the two finest singers whom I have haver heard.”, We also see the same kind of problem with the verb “claim”. Short list, eh?! For example of gerund as a subject: Traveling is a fun experience. Ada halaman terpisah yang membahas tentang kata kerja yang diikuti oleh gerund. (The gerund phrase is “gardening an obsession.”). “Smitty claims Alaska…” is not. Gerund … Contoh Gerunds. To me, it’s simply not clear. Amendment of the U. S. Constitution, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”. Penggunaan gerund setelah preposisi ini disebut dengan gerund as the object of preposition (gerund sebagai objek preposisi). Let’s say the sentence was, “Some people consider my interest in gardening to be an obsession.” Or, “My interest in gardening is considered, by some people, an obsession.” Now what? This is a gerund from the verb ‘to smoke’ – it is one particular form of the verb, the same form as the present participle, also known as the -ing form. Likewise, nobody can claim Greenland, since it belongs to Denmark and it is part of the Kingdom of Denmark, and by international treaty, nobody can claim Antarctica. The Gerund – English Grammar. You'll also get three bonus ebooks completely free. In German, all infinitives are feminine, and all gerunds are neuter, which does simplify things a little bit. Englisch-hilfen.de/ Gerund as subject or object – Exercise. For example: The statement is the inverse of the first sentence in this group; here “My favorite hobby” is the subject, and gardening is its complement. (The awards have been given for the results of the activity. (Binging adalah fase yang sering dilakukan oleh seorang bulimia. (DO – John; OC – John) A gerund, which functions as a noun, can consist of a single word or a phrase. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? In this section, we’ll look at some common verbs that take gerunds as their direct object to get a sense of how they’re used. The writer of this article did not mentiion that all gerunds in English are made of the present participle of the verb. Bagi yang masih bingung membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan gerund, yuk simak baik-baik 15 contoh kalimat menggunakan gerund beserta artinya di … Gerund adalah kata benda yang berasal dari kata kerja ditambah –ing, misalnya swimming, eating, fishing, shopping, dancing, dan singing.Bila diperhatikan, gerund mempunyai bentuk yang sama dengan present participle, bedanya gerund berfungsi sebagai kata benda, sedangkan present participle sebagai kata sifat yang menerangkan kata benda. Gerund juga termasuk ke dalam direct object yang diklasifikasikan sebagai noun substitute. In any event, great article and stimulating discussion! Other examples of object complements are: She thought him charming. Being an astronaut has always been my dream since I was a kid. “Some people consider my interest in gardening an obsession.” – here’s my reading: Subject – “Some people” Umumnya kata kerja yang menjadi gerund selalu diakhiri dengan -ing dan umumnya banyak muncul dalam percakapan bahasa Inggris. Oke simak baik-baik penjelasan dibwah ini, Gerund adalah kata benda yang terbuat dari kata kerja dengan menambahkan “-ing“. Is it possible to find irregular ones in other languages? Your blog is also really great help (I just couldn’t leave any comment on it though: how can I contact you?). Gerunds still have some verbal functions, and can have their own direct objects. But – “While gardening in the summertime” is clearly a subordinate adjectival phrase, but the interpretation of the other one is sheer guesswork. Adchoices | Menu. Mari kita lihat contoh di bawah ini. Sebenarnya gerund bukanlah komponen yang sama sekali berbeda dibanding komponen yang lebih lazim, gerund secara sederhana dapat diartikan sebagai kata kerja yang diartikan atau diperlakukan sebagai kata benda. The gerund as the object of a verb. @Mark: Gerunds might as well be gerbils, for all I can figure this out! Coincidentally, Jethro Tull was the first band I ever saw live, at the Marquee Club back in ’68. Subject Complement Cookies TOS | The gerund phrase cannot be “gardening an obession” since what is an obsession is “my interest”. der Tanz – the noun that mean “dance”. You could try Googling “exploring gerunds and gerund phrases” for example, take the first one, and see how you get on. Ketentuan Layanan, Contoh Kalimat Gerund sebagai Direct Object Beserta Contoh, 20 Contoh Kalimat Intention (Intention Expression) dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dengan Rumus dan Artinya, Contoh Kalimat Gerund Sebagai Objek Beserta Contoh, contoh kalimat gerund sebagai objek preposisi beserta artinya, Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Menggunakan Kata Had Better Beserta Artinya. Contact Us | Take the example of the word ‘smoking’. @Bob Howell – well spotted. It appears that even the scholars cannot agree on what constitutes a gerund, so I would suppose I’m a lost cause. Saya menghindari bertemu kamu. In my opinion, the complete sentence ”Some people consider my interest in gardening an obsession” is correct. Verb – am enjoying (The gerund phrase is “gardening an obsession.”), 4. Why is he going to study Chinese next year? Seperti contoh fungsi direct object beberapa verb hanya menggunakan gerund, beberapa menggunakan infinitive, dan beberaa yang lain menggunakan keduanya dengan makna sama maupun berbeda. 8. I will never understand it. das Tanzung – the gerund “dancing” Seperti yang telah diungkapkan oleh kamus oxford, gerund is the ing form of verb when it used as a noun. Thanks for clarifying some of unclear parts; your explanation is very helpful indeed. I am not now, nor have I ever been good at diagramming sentences because I could never quite master the “rules” of grammar. Please tell me what you think; English is only my second language (and so I read your blog to improve it) but that phrase just does not sound right. Untuk lebih mengerti, berikut merupakan contoh kalimat gerund sebagai direct object : 1.Everybody loves singing – Setiap orang suka bernyanyi, 2.Derina had stopped crying – Derina sudah berhenti menangis, 3.Antonio choose to ignoring her – Antonio memilih untuk mengabaikannya (perempuan), 4.Valentina is prefer walking alone – Valentina lebih memilih untuk berjalan sendirian, 5.Albert is never refusing my offer to go drink out – Albert tidak pernah menolak ajakanku untuk pergi minum, 6.Elena is excited to go fishing – Elena sangat bersemangat untuk pergi memancing, 7.Riska can’t stop fidgeting when she is scared – Riska tidak dapat berhenti gemetaran apabila ia ketakutan, 8.Doni hates talking about his ex – Doni sangat benci untuk membicarakan mantan pacarnya, 9.They forget submitting their homework– mereka lupa mengumpulkan PR mereka, 10.Dani feels shocking about her friend’s sudden marriage – Dani merasa kaget tentang pernikahan mendadak temannya, 12. ‘He’s given up smoking’ – now ‘smoking’ is the direct object of the phrasal verb ‘give up’, also a noun function. Penggunaan Gerund Contoh Kalimat Gerund; Subject of Sentence: Binging is a phase frequently done by a bulimic. Mama mia! (Gardening is normally a verb, but here it is the name of an activity. I remember learning the grammatical term for the introductory “Sir Thomas having finished breakfast” but wracking my brain for weeks cannot remember it. “Sleeping” is the direct object of this sentence. “only the Devil With a forked Tail knows this” ? Thanks for the explanations! Gerund sendiri tidak berfungsi tunggal, sebagai unsur kalimat ia dapat menjadi subjek, objek, bahkan hingga preposisi. Misalnya gerund diikuti direct object jika gerund dibentuk dari transitive verb atau dapat disertai dengan kata modifikasi (modifier) seperti kata keterangan (adverb) dan perpositional phrase. In Example 3, Mr. Nichol left out “to be”, and that sentence should have concluded with: …and I do apologize for the screaching [sic] typo. “I am enjoying my gardening this year. Gerunds can function as subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, objects of prepositions, and predicate nouns. Gerund selalu memiliki fungsi yang sama seperti kata benda (meskipun terlihat seperti kata kerja). Since a gerund often acts as a noun, it takes the place of a noun in a sentence as well, namely as subject, direct object, subject complement, subject of preposition. Someone did point out to me rather recently that in English, all of the present participles are regular. Like a regular gerund, a gerund phrase always functions as a noun, and can act as a subject, direct object, indirect object, object of a preposition, or predicate nominative in a sentence. Yang perlu kita tahu, gerund dalam hal ini digunakan untuk menyambungkan dua verb yang digunakan sekaligus dalam satu predikat. Because a gerund is a noun, it can be an indirect object. Now that you know the difference between infinitives and gerunds, let’s introduce the rules that will help you use both correctly. Collectively, the phrase may function as a noun. Berikut kumpulan contoh kalimat gerund as obectj of preposition: The soft rag is used for dusting. die Tanzen – the infinitive “to dance” If a sentence resembling one of these statements includes a comma, it’s likely to contain a present participle phrase, not a gerund phrase. Present participles (verbs indicating continuous activity) also end in -ing. Direct objects – receive the action of the verb. We find somewhat the same construct (apart from the participular whiff of intrusive comma) in the 2. OK, I’m lying; I’m not too old to rock ‘n’ roll and not too young to die. Beberapa penggunaan gerund dibahas di halaman ini. ), Gardening in the summertime is a challenge because of the heat. Talking too much made Shinta thirsty. All good stuff, but I am reminded of my days as a college English instructor, during which I would often say to a student, “your sentence lacks a verb”, to which the inevitable response would be, “What’s a verb?”. Jill suggested going for a drink. ), but the participle will be either an adjective or part of a … (Gardeningis normally a verb, but here it is the name of an … I have seen sentences along the lines of “They claim Alaska…” His voice is like chatting bird – Suaranya mirip burung yang mengobrol, 13.Cassandra needs resting after two days without slept – Cassandra butuh untuk beristiharat setelah dua hari tidak tidur, 14.Natasha regret helping her on that exam – Natasha menyesal menolong dia ketika ujian, 15.Harry admits leaving her wallet at the taxi – Harry akhirnya mengakui dia meninggalkan dompetnya di taxi, 16.Jojo is still confusing about how the rain can pour into his room – Jojo masih bingung bagaimana air hujan bisa masuk ke dalam kamarnya, 17.Vera plays chasing the rat – Vera bermain mengejar tikus, 18.Don’t dare hiding the truth behind me – Jangan berani-berani menyembunyikan hal yang sebenarnya di belakangku, 19.Bowo helps pedaling the canoe until the port – Bowo membantu mengayuh kano hingga ke dermaga, 20.Jihan has seeing shooting stars from the top of hill – Jihan melihat bintang jatuh dari atas bukit. (DO – our son; OC – John). (The phrase “gardening in the morning” is the subject complement.). (Henry) James considered The Ambassadors his most “perfect” work of art (DO – The Ambassadors; OC – his most “perfect” work of art), We’ve named our son John. swimming merupakan gerund yang berfungsi sebagai direct object. “only Dancing With der Teufel knows this”? Task No. Contoh: speaking, reading, swimming, shopping, talking, playing, sleeping dan eating. Here’s the thing…I read quite well, and I have been doing so since I was very young. ), I am enjoying my gardening this year. “my interest in”, (C) It’s all about expressing a complete thought. Mari kita lihat contoh gerund phrase di bawah ini untuk lebih jelasnya. Oops, sorry. Indirect object (rare) -“He gave her wonderful singing top marks”. . @Warsaw Will: I ALMOST went to see Tull in 1975, but my mother wouldn’t let me go with the guy who invited me, whom I had only just met. (The admiration is not for the action of gardening, but for the results of the action. Gardening is my favorite hobby. It is on my bucket list, along with learning Esperanto, Latin, photography and kayaking LOL. “My favorite hobby is gardening” – my favourite hobby = gardening Yeah, right…. Direct object, atau direct dan indirect object tersebut dapat berupa noun, pronoun, atau bentuk lain seperti gerund, to infinitive, dan noun clause. Sebagai subject (subjek) Dalam suatu kalimat, Gerund dan Infinitive bisa berfungsi sebagai subjek. Contoh Kalimat Passive Diubah Ke Active – Rumus dan Penjelasan Lengkap, Penggunaan Akhiran -ies Dalam Bahasa Inggris – Contoh Lengkap. I don’t think “this year” is part of the direct object at all. Subscribers get access to our archives with 800+ interactive exercises! Home » Grammar » Gerund and Infinitives » Contoh Kalimat Gerund sebagai Direct Object Beserta Contoh. Kata Bijak Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya - 40 Contoh Kalimat Gerund Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dan artinya Terbaru - Gerund adalah salah satu bentuk kalimat dalam mata pelajaran bahasa inggris yang bisa anda gunakan untuk merubah kata kerja menjadi kata benda. Reading is not his hobby. (Berlari mungkin sulit bagi sebagian orang.) Object complement – “an obsession”. “Gardening in the summertime, I built up a resistance to hot weather” is not correct. Gerund Example: Sarah made singing a priority. (All such purported claims to parts of Antarctica were suspended decades ago by the Antarctic Treaty. (See table with examples below) For example: “I was sitting there.” Sitting looks like and acts like a verb in this instance. The fact that you comment on this blog means you’re obviously interested, and there are plenty of grammar sites to help you (my own included). Rule of thumb: Independent clause/Dependent clause. @Warsaw Will: Read my lips: I do not understand all this! While the rules below will help you understand how infinitives and gerunds should be used, you should make sure to practice them so you can use them in real life. (A) In my opinion “Some people consider my interest in gardening an obsession” is correct. A gerund is the ing form of a verb used as a noun.The gerund form of a verb looks exactly like the present participle, but they function differently in a sentence.The gerund will fill a noun slot (subject, direct object, object of preposition, etc. Adapun preposisi yang umum digunakan sebelum gerund di antara adalah about, of, by, to, before, after, at, in, without, dan sebagainya. Anak Artis yang Pandai Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris – Harus Kamu Contoh! Gerund as Subject, Object or Complement Try to think of a gerund as a noun in verb form. Namun, untuk Infinitive, biasanya berada di akhir kalimat dan subjek di awal kalimat diganti dengan “It”. Contoh kata gerund seperti gardening, running, swimming, working, dan lainnya. @thebluebird11 – Thanks for giving me a good chuckle :)). “Gardening an obsession”? I am not proud of being able to speak English without understanding the basics of grammar (I have never told my friends; only DWT knows this LOL). Untuk kali ini kita akan belajar mengenai gerund sebagai direct object. Also, the United States and some other countries do not recognize any such “claims”.). The grammatical omission was the word “that”. Gardening is my favorite hobby. Object of Preposition For example, the sentence “Gardening in the summertime, I built up a resistance to hot weather” contains a present participle phrase, which includes a participle, a verb functioning as an adjective or an adverb. I found this site while searching for a “simple” explanation on gerunds. But ‘this year’ isn’t a direct object of ‘my gardening’, it is an adverbial modifying ‘enjoying’. Generally speaking, creating a gerund is as easy as adding "ing" to the base form of the verb. We’ve named our son John. Transitive verb – do We can use the following verbs + object + to + infinitive: advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, convince, enable, encourage, expect, force, get (see get uses),help, intend, invite, mean, order, persuade, recommend, remind, take (time), teach, tell, warn.

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