So When both grew up. Krishna became a king, and Sudama was a very poor man, He did not have anything at all. "No, I am not eating. He leaves with nothing but some beaten rice tied in a cloth as a present. 1- According to the legend, there was a very poor Brahmin. Often Sudama’s wife used to address her husband, “My dear lord, I know that Lord Krsna, the Supreme Lord of all the universes, is your personal friend. Still have questions? In fact they were not even eating sufficiently, and they were both very thin. Your question is wrong. Bhagat Sudama 'dhaaladh bha(n)j sudhaamae miliou bhagathee bhaae tharae.' KRISHNA AND SUDAMA. He was perplexed and pondered over how he could get re-introduced to Krishna, who could help him meet the Lord. But, in my opinion friendship with any God is dangerous. Age : 5 – 12 years Reading Time : 6 – 12 minutes. Free from avarice, he enjoyed, together with his wife, the sense pleasures that had been bestowed upon him, always with the idea of eventually renouncing all sense gratification. I have given an extract of the relevant portion. Overwhelmed by all this Sudama forgets to ask for what he actually came to ask. Even GOD during the AVATARS get subjected to all hardships like common men, and Sudama is not an exception. Just noticed that his friend is not well and is poor, he at once blessed him with wealth just in return he chewed the Puffed rice(murmura). It appears that, due to fatigue, these boys and Sri Krishna, also little boy, were all lying down. Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 10, Chapter 80, Verses 7: Living as a householder, he maintained himself with whatever came of its own accord. The wife of Sandipani Guru gave some fried channa to Sudama. Eventually however he gave in to the nagging of his wife. After completion of their education, they both parted ways after promising to be friends forever. "Why have you come here? He was a comrade and a schoolmate of Sri Krishna. Sudama died of his age. In Hinduism Gods do not have the power to break rules and favour their minions everything forgiving all their actions .karma is powerful in Hinduism .in science also action has its reaction, equal and opposite and there is no exception to this natural law . Sudama had two children, but since he was poor, he led a very austere life. Privacy Policy. He also finds his family dressed in extremely nice garb and waiting for him. Despite being poor Sudama had given Krishna everything he had (poha) hence in return the Lord gave Sudama everything his family needed. Go & tell him that Sudama has come to meet you! (ii) When Sudama was going through some bad times, not even having enough money to feed his children, his wife reminded him of his friendship with Krishna. (i) Sudama spent all of his time and effort in religious efforts befitting a true Brahmin which explained why he was financially not well off. His brahmin wife always pestered him as to why he did not go to Lord Krishna to alleviate his poverty. 4 years ago, clock Sudama, on the other hand, was a brahmin, a priest. Since Lord Krishna Himself was his friend, Sudama’s wife would constantly ask her husband to ask Krishna for wealth. Sudama was till a Poor person suffering in his life with his wife and his children due to poverty. Sudama came from a poor Brahmin family and was a dear friend of Krishna. He didn't participate in Mahabharat. Answer: The guard smirked and scoffed at poor Sudama's tattered attire. Sudama, a poor brahman, was known to be a friend of Krishna from childhood. His brahmin wife always pestered him as to why he did not go to Lord Krishna to alleviate his poverty. Shri Krishna and His elder brother, Balarama, were living with a co-student, named Sudama, in the ashram of their Guru, Sandipani. In case any God does it , the bad karma of that /god would take care of Him and punish Him Hinduism ensures that no man however great he might be ,is exempted from punishment for sin.His action itself punishes or rewards him.There is no intervention by others.Sudama was poor because of his past karma.He happened to be Krishna's friend also because of his past karma.his karma in that birth would have its effect in his next birth. Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 10, Chapter 81, Verses 6-7: Being the direct witness in the hearts of all living beings, Lord Krishna fully understood why Sudama had come to see Him. I will give him riches that even the immortal demigods cannot obtain.". This included teaching religion, moral duties, and spreading spirituality through society. Sudaama never was interested in earning lot of money or other such aihikechchas. Quite obviously Krishna is a better friend. Once Krishna and Balarama were sent to the forest for bringing fuel. Why do people like this guy over me? So keep away from Gods. How did the guards at Krishna’palace treat Sudama ? Sudama who was extremely enthusiastic despite his exhaustion answered with the possessiveness that only a friend can show, "I want to meet Krishna - He is my dearest friend. Thanks a lot raj for the story. (iii) On his return journey, Sudama ponders his circumstances and is thankful for the great friend he has in Lord Krishna. Why don’t you go and ask him for some help?” Sudama was a little … However, it seems that the wife of Sudama was a palm up type. ". The epics say so. And he had to come for help from the very same person to whom he did not give a little channa. Sudama considered children as the highest of wealth and Sri Krishna ordained so be it and so was it that Sudama remained poor through out with plenty of children. W hen Krishna was a boy, he was sent to study in Guru Sandipani’s Ashram. It was an offering of love and the reason why he brought powa was that Krishna loved Powa. He was a comrade and a schoolmate of Sri Krishna. The friendship started at their gurukulam with Shri Saandeepa. Materialistic pleasures were never the goals of Indians. They both studied in Guru Sandeepani’s ashram together. His wife and children had to go to bed without meals very often. This is the reason that Sudama, despite being a great friend and devotee of God, was so impoverished. I have read some coments and seems it's about Sridhama who was also a close confidant of Krishna and his priya sakhas. "- the palace guards thundered! cilAw igxdw gtIAW kÎoN kr jweIey kOx imlwey] Since ShriKrishna Himself was his friend, Sudama’s wife would constantly ask her husband to ask Krishna for help. yes sudama ate what was meant for Lord Krishna and therefore remained poor... Thanx so much bhai for a wonderful story!!! Their hearts were filled with pure love, friendship and bhakti. She goaded her husband that since they were often starving and he had such a rich friend who was always giving alms to the poor, why does he not visit him and get some too. Lord Krishna is not a politician to provide relief to friends and relatives. He didn't even have enough money to feed his children. Wherever there is a gurukula, the students are supposed to bring holy firewood from the forest for the performance of yajna or havana by the Guru. Furthermore, his mind was peaceful and his senses subdued. But the Lord realises what His friend needs, and the lord's consort Rukmini incarnation of Lakshmi, gifts him with his desires. #HappyWomen's Day: 5 Women Who REVOLUTIONISED Television! I will tell you a humorous story of why Sudama became so poor. to the viewer. Sudama, a poor brahman, was known to be a friend of Krishna from childhood. Krishna is the best friend. Sudama was poor because he ate Krishna's share of food in childhood when they were in the Jungle. Get answers by asking now. Incase of any issue please contact the webmaster. But he was the person who was dedicated to the religious path teaching religions to people and the real meaning of our life. 20, 2015 | Power of prasadam, Stories from Puranas. Answer: Sudama was very poor. Sudama was one of the friends who studied with Krishna. Two new entries in Sab TV's 'Tenali Rama'. Sudhama had yet to experience the results of his bad karma and this was experienced in the form of poverty and starvation. This suffering was due to his karma. Sudaama and Krishna Bhagavan were good friends. Subscriber Raghu’s request - this is a story about a friendship between Lord Krishna, the King of Dwarka and Sudama, a poor Brahmin. Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 10, Chapter 80, Verses 6: Sukadeva Gosvami said: Lord Krishna had a certain brahmana friend [named Sudama] who was most learned in Vedic knowledge and detached from all sense enjoyment. Why Sudama remained poor...? “Why Krishna and Sudama’s friendship got so much fame” The Story unfolds as. Lord Krishna never avoids any devotee. But, in my opinion friendship with any God is dangerous. Sudama came from a very poor Brahmin family. She would say, “You say you are Krishna’s friend, then why don’t you ask him to change your financial condition? You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. HE is a restorer of Dharma or Rightiousness. He ran away from his kingdom due to the fear of the arrival of Kali yuga and died on the streets. Sudama : Sudama (Sanskrit सुदामा IAST Sudāmā also known as Kuchela, mostly in South India) was a Brahmin childhood friend of Hindu deity Krishna from Mathura, the story of whose visit to Dwaraka to meet Krishna is mentioned in the Bhagavata Purana. A wonderful answer by C. Sri Vidya Rajagopalan Sir. As mentioned earlier, during their childhood, Sudama had once eaten his food on the sly, without sharing the same with a very hungry Krishna. What Sudama brought was “Powa” or “Avalakki” – which his wife prepared for Krishna. It is for this effort that Krishna rewards Sudama's family with wealth so that Sudama may continue to do that work. Question 2. according to me...sudhama was the happiest man ..... to us it may appear that he was poor and was starving but he was really happy cause he could get the eternal all guys who don't trust in this story i would like to ask u something ......? Since Sudama was so poor, his wife borrowed it from a neighbour to give it to him. 1 years ago, clock clock May be Krishna know that if he becomes Rich then he wont care for anything. Sudama is also said to be the human birth taken by the great Saint Narada Muni to enjoy the Leelas that Lor Krishna was enacting on the Earth. They were studying under the Guru Sandipani as students. However, neither Krishna nor Sudaama could forget each other. God's son Jesus cried in pain when he was crucified. 5 years ago, clock So is it true that Allah sent angels to help the Muslims win the Battle of Badr seeing as they were outnumbered by the Pagans 1 to 4? Externally Sudama appeared very poor because he had no rich attire and could not provide rich clothing for his wife. consider that you are in need of a thing ...will u get it without asking it to someone .....? Do you think human beings evolved or were created by God? Sudama was from a poor Brahmi... Krishna and Sudama - Sudama was a childhood friend of Krishna from Matura, the story of whose visit to Dwaraka to meet Krishna. As always duty takes more priority than everything. Where does the Bible say that voting is a wrong thing to do? Sudama was a poor Brahmin man. Though initially reluctant to go to his friend for help, Sudama finally agrees to go. When Sudama finally returns to his home, he finds a palatial mansion instead of the hut he had left. belong to their respective owners, and are used to merely visually identify the Channels, Shows, Companies, Brands, etc. Sudaama, knowing who Krishna really was, also had true devotion for him. Narrator: Despite all the wealth bestowed upon him, Sudhama chose to lead an austere life for the rest of his days. Sudama spent all of his time and effort in cultural efforts befitting a true Brahmin which explained why he was financially not well off. Be an Atheist. definitely no na ... the same happened here sudhama couldn't ask this to krishna as his prestige stood in front though he was aware that krishna is none other than the almighty it was suthama's fault though he knew that he would get everything when it is asked .... he believed in his karma ....but couldn't ask krishna to get rid of it .... someone here said that Hindu god's don't have the power to eradicate one's karma its not like that we pray to get rid of our worries only and not to get rid of our karma ...... even in Geetha, krishna said that when someone keeps a single step towards him ...he is ready to keep 10 steps towards them ...and he proved the same in the story of sudhama ....when sudhama was ready to meet his friend he gave him all the riches though he didn't ask for it ....cause he wont leave his devotees in distress who believes in him ..... to me krishna didn't give him the worldly riches alone but also the eternal happiness and the fame due to which we are talking about him even now ............... 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