Notwithstanding anything contained under Article 8, the Government of Nepal may grant to a person naturalized or honorary citizenship of Nepal. Every citizen shall have the right to property to acquire, own, sell, otherwise dispose employment according to the provisions made by the law. No discrimination shall be made against any citizen in the application of general laws on grounds of religion, race, sex, caste, tribe or ideological conviction or any of these. The State shall adopt a special policy to mobilize youth power for the development of the country. While carrying out the election as prescribed in Sub- clause (1), the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson should be from the different political parties represented in the Constituent Assembly. There shall be the formation of one Constituent Assembly to formulate a new Constitution by the Nepalese people themselves remaining within the framework of this Constitution. Every child shall have the right against physical, mental or any other form of exploitation. Any decision, order or certification issued in the name of the Nepal Government as provisioned in Clause (3) shall be as provisioned in the law. A policy shall be pursued to make legal provision to provide allowance to the elderly, incapacitated women, and the unemployed. The tenure of the Legislative-Parliament shall end after the first meeting of the Constituent Assembly. Expressing determination to restructure the state for advancement of the State and resolve the existing problems related to class, caste, regional, gender problems of the country. The Constitution of 1990 was promulgated on November 9, 1990 after the People’s Movement (Jana Andolan ) of the same year. The parliament can execute its work notwithstanding any vacancies in the seats of its members and no proceedings shall become invalid even if it is subsequently found out that a person, not entitled to take part in the proceedings of the House, had participated. NOW THEREFORE DO hereby promulgate this INTERIM CONSTITUTION OF NEPAL, 2063 (2007), prepared through a political consensus enforceable until a new Constitution is framed by the Constituent Assembly in order to institutionalize the achievements of the revolution and movements till this date. All laws inconsistent with it shall, to the extent of such inconsistency, be void. The Speaker and Deputy Speaker positions of the Legislative-Parliament shall become vacant in the following circumstances: if he ceases to be a member of the Legislative-Parliament. While presenting annual estimates pursuant to Clause (1), the statement of expenses allocated to each Ministry in the previous financial year and particulars of whether the objectives of the expenses were achieved or not shall also be presented. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? The political objective of the State shall be to institutionalize democracy achieved through the struggle of Nepali people, create an atmosphere wherein its benefits could be used, and build a progressing and prosperous Nepal. Every citizen has the right to demand and obtain the information regarding any matters of their own or of public relevance. Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Constituent Assembly. Expressing full commitment to democratic ideals and norms, including Competitive Multi Party Democratic System, Civil Liberty, Fundamental Rights, Human Rights, Adult Franchise, Periodical Elections, Full Press Freedom, Independent Judiciary and principles of the rule of law. Notwithstanding anything contained in Clause (1), those who were against the people’s movement shall not be in the Legislative-Parliament. The State shall make necessary provisions to keep the natural environment clean. Necessary amount to meet the expenditure of an Appropriation Act. An Advance Expenditure Bill shall not be submitted until the estimates of revenues and expenditures have been presented in accordance with the provisions of Article 92 and the Advance Expenditure amount shall not exceed one third of the expenditure estimate of the fiscal year. Any Minister, Minister of State or Assistant Minister who is not the member of Legislative-Parliament can attend the meeting of the Legislative-Parliament or any of its Committee meetings. The parliament shall have the exclusive right to decide whether or not any breach of privilege has taken place. The Interim Constitution of Nepal – 2063 (2007 AD) Part I – English No discrimination shall be made against any citizen in the application of general laws on grounds of religion, race, sex, caste, tribe or ideological conviction or any of these. The consultation work as prescribed in Sub- clause (3) should be completed within a maximum period of fifteen days from the date that such a unanimous decision could not be reached. While implementing scientific land reforms or for social welfare reason if the state acquires or obtain any person’s property or make authoritative claim on such property shall provide compensation in accordance with the law. Adopt the policy of taking strict action and punishing individuals who illegally amass property while holding government posts of profit making. Chairperson and members of the Public Service Commission, Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners, and. 204 members elected on the basis of Proportional Electoral System for the political parties considering the whole country as one single constituent. The structure and work division of the Interim Council of Ministers shall be determined by mutual consent. Every person has the right to be informed about the proceedings of the trail. Executive: Prime Minister: KP Sharma Oli Council of Ministers: Oli II Civil Services Cabinet Secretary Federal Parliament: House of Representatives Speaker: Agni Prasad Sapkota House Leader: KP Sharma Oli Opposition Leader: Sher Bahadur Deuba National Assembly Chairman: Ganesh Prasad Timilsina House Leader: Dina Nath Sharma Opposition Leader: Surendra Pandey Judiciary: Supreme Court Chief Justice of Nepal: Cholendra Shumsher JB Rana District Courts Elections Election Commission Political … The sovereignty and state authority of Nepal are vested in the Nepalese people. How does acceptance of responsibility influence effective communication? Divided into 25 Parts, 167 Articles, and 4 Schedules, this constitution established Nepal as a secular and republican state whose state power is inherent in the people. No physical, mental or any other form of violence shall be inflicted to any women and such acts shall be punishable by the law. Guaranteeing the basic rights of the Nepali citizen to formulate their Constitution for themselves and to participate in free and fair elections of the Constituent Assembly in a free-from-fear environment, Keeping Democracy, Peace, Prosperity, forward-looking Economic-Social changes and the Country’s Sovereignty, Integrity, Independence and self-respect at the centre of everything, and. Having common aspirations and united by a bond of allegiance to national independence, integrity, national interest and prosperity, the Nepalese people endowed with multiracial, multilingual, multi-religious and multicultural specialties collectively constitute the nation. Rule of law The Interim Constitution of Nepal- 2063 By: Speaker Subash Chandra Nembang on behalf of the Interim Parliament 1. The Interim Constitution of Nepal 2063 BS was promulgated on 1 st Magh 2063 BS in the name of the people by legislative parliament. the Constitution seeking nullification of the truth amendment to the Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063 made on 2068/5/14 since it is in contravention to the provisions enshrined in the constitution, is as follows: Article 64 of the Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063 has provided for the tenure of the Constituent Assembly. As a transitional constitution it required the newly elected Parliament to also serve as a constituent assembly to adopt a final constitution. Any caste, race or people of origin or exhibiting status of people’s community, who thinks social discrimination on the basis of caste, race is righteous or advocates for caste supremacy and principles based on hatred or encourages any sort of racial discrimination shall be prohibited. The member introducing the bill can table any proposal regarding the consideration of the bill in the House. Chief Commissioner and other Commissioners of the Commission for the Investigation of the Abuse of Authority. Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, all questions submitted for decision in the House shall be decided by a majority vote of the members present. A Finance Bill or a Bill concerning the Nepal Army, the Armed Police, Police or related to security shall be introduced only as a Government Bill. When did organ music become associated with baseball? Every person shall have the freedom to profess and practise his/her own religion as handed down to him/her from ancient times having due regards to traditional practices. It was adopted on 15/01/2007 and it has been in force from the adopted date. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! There shall be one secretariat to manage the work of the Legislative-Parliament. the interim constitution 2063 of Nepal promulgated in 2063 Maraga 1. Apr 10, The Interim Constitution as published here includes the changes made by the five amending Acts –the Interim Constitution of Nepal (First. The Rhododendron Arboreum shall be the national flower, Crimson Colour shall be the national colour, the Cow shall be the national animal and the Lophophorous (Danphe Pheasant) shall be the national bird of Nepal. Citizenship at the Commencement of the Constitution: Acquisition and Termination of Citizenship: Rights against untouchability and racial discrimination: Press, Publication and Broadcasting Right: Appointment of Non-Member of Legislature-Parliament as Minister: The Council of Ministers after the formation of the Constituent Assembly: Decision as to Disqualifications of Members: Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Legislature-Parliament: Transaction of Business in the case of Vacancy of Members: Procedures Relating to the Conduct of Business: Constituent Assembly to Exe rcise the Power of the L egislature-Parliament: Decision as to the Disqualification of Members: Procedure for Passage of Constitution Bills: Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Constituent Assembly: Vacation of Seats of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson: Transaction of Business of the Constituent Assembly in case of vacancy of Members: Penalty for Unauthorized Presence or Voting: Procedures relating to the Conduct of Business: No Tax to be Levied or Loan to be Raised Except in Accordance with Law: Expenditures From the Consolidated Fund or the Government Fund. This, after the Interim Legislature, tonight Nepal time, unanimously ratified the Interim Constitution of Nepal 2063 promulgated by the last sitting of the House of Representatives. Every citizen shall have the following freedoms: freedom to assemble peacefully and without arms; freedom to form political party or associations; freedom to move and reside in any part of Nepal; and. The election of the Constituent Assembly shall be carried out on the basis of the points outlined in this Article and other points related to it shall be according to the provisions made by the law. Prepared and Promulgated on behalf of the people. What are the four features of bacteria that enable them to survive in a wide variety of habitats? was promulgated on 1st Magh 2063 B.S. What does contingent mean in real estate? Every woman has the right to reproductive health and reproductive related right. Having completed at least twenty five years of age. The registration of a newspaper, magazine or press shall not be closed, seized or cancelled merely for publishing or inserting of any news item, editorial, article or other reading material. The Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2007 continued the commitment towards human rights as the previous constitution and the National Human Rights Commission was recognized as a constitutional body for the first time. Effectively implement international treaties and agreements of which the Nepali State is a party. Absolute Monarchy: 1959: Multi-party Constitution Adapted The Speaker shall be entitled to take part and vote in the deliberations on such resolution. No proceedings shall be initiated in any court against any person for publication of any document, report, vote or proceeding which is made under the authority provided by this Constituent Assembly. After the promulgation of interim constitution, the new Human Rights Commission Act, 2012 came into Should be committed towards the spirit of the peoples� movement. If he tenders written resignation to the Prime Minister. Generally, the member presiding shall not have the right to vote. All citizens shall be equal before the law. Conduct special program to rehabilitate the displaced, provide relief for damaged private and pubic property, and rebuild infrastructures destroyed during the course of the conflict. What is the summary of the story Bowaon and totoon? Nepal is an independent, indivisible, sovereign, secular, inclusive and fully democratic State. The Council of Ministers shall, remaining within the control of this Constitution and other laws, have the responsibility of issuing general directives, control and regulation. No questions shall be raised in any Court regarding implementation or failure to implement the subjects stated in this Part.

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