What helps me to tighten my writing, is to wait a day between writing a first draft and editing it. I could literally visualize running like a hungry hyena, Henneke. Dear Henneke How dare to comment your post. The adverb “breathtakingly” adds stress and paints a more vivid version, so you can decide to leave it, or opt for “Her friend is gorgeous.” Both versions are fine. Yep, I use a thesaurus quite often. In fiction, adverbs tend to weaken your writing. Yes, we are more used to lots of mixed accents, but also, we have a sort of different viewpoint, of all being in this boat together, helping each other pull self up by the bootstraps, acutely aware of our own “foreign” roots, struggling to make it all work. Yes! . ‘Very’ good Henneke as always. They get tired. What other grammar topics should a grammar book cover? Keep up your good work! Success! Just loved the way you explaind what kind of adverbs exists and how to remove or change them for something better. Remember to have fun and play with your words. Adverbs c… Henneke, Great tips. Next, moving to Australia, I thought I did not speak not understood English at all. A huge change from my school days, when I loathed it. Hint. It hit me. I find bicycles still difficult to draw! I just finished a 127,000 novel and started my first self-edit/rewrite. For instance: Take your pick. One use of an adverb is to modify a verb. Another enlightening post, Henneke! I love that comparison with the steak. Hmm… How could this little Dutch girl be teaching ME new things in MY language?! I know for a fact that my problem is I just get lazy and choose those week adverbs to relay my point and I just never return to correct it. The adjective thirsty, for example, comes from thirst, which may be either a noun or a verb. How can you help them and keep them motivated? I wondered what it said about me that I clicked open a post about adverbs with gleeful anticipation. Co-authors Simon Turney and Gordon Doherty share their top 5 tips for collaborating with another author on a project. Those can be bad, too, but not as bad as adverbs. For example, using an adverb is a decent way to communicate description and contrast without drastically increasing your word count. With dialogue, it’s not as simple as just replacing the adverb. In case you’re up for another 5 minute grammar lesson, there’s a similar post about adjectives here: https://www.enchantingmarketing.com/how-to-use-adjectives/ . Thank you, Henneke. I will follow your advices. It sounds a bit like going back to school, doesn’t it? They try desperately to find the “unique voice” agents and editors want by paying close attention to their innermost selves. Reading this post has been helpful! An adverb is a word that is used to change, modify or qualify several types of words including an adjective, a verb, a clause, another adverb, or any other type of word or phrase, with the exception of determiners and adjectives, that directly modify nouns.A good way to understand adverbs is to think about them as the words that provide context. “Henneke walked” doesn’t mean the same as “Henneke walked quickly.”. Including how to use—with precision, with care, with passion—the adverb. The average reader has become immune to the lazy, standard adverbs, and generally walks away with the image of a boring ‘blah, blah, blah’ conversation. If you delete an adverb and the meaning of a sentence doesn’t change, remove it. Thank you so much for your kind words, Jasper. It’s always better to be on the safe side. Exceptional stuff, Henneke (edited from: really love your stuff). At least my first drafts are often packed with adverbs. . And I’m posting the 4 tips on adverbs on my desktop. Definitely, your wise words will add value to my writing. Your lessons always surprise and delight your audience, but this one is especially good. Using Adjectives and Adverbs Correctly. ; The word “quickly” describes how she walked. It’s not that I don’t like adverbs; they modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, and whole sentences—sometimes smashingly so. Learn how and when to use adverbs in English grammar with Lingolia’s online grammar rules. I would focus on using the words your audience is using, too. Thank you Henneke. Choose them to paint a more precise or more vivid picture. Or so argues Stephen King in On Writing: A Memoir on the Craft (public library), one of 9 essential books to help you write better. Thank you. This lesson about grammar is interesting! The Hemingway app (free online) also marks all adverbs so you can consider removing or replacing them. If truth be told and tons of writing reveal it, some of us didn’t get it the first time around. I recall this being brought up in one of your books, but it was effervescently nice to see it so delightfully reinvigorated here. Question: Do you do the illustrations yourself? Thank you for the examples of adverbs gone wrong. I know you want me to write one But I’m not sure I’m up for writing it. These would all add plausibility to the reason you chose them as your research paper’s sources, making your paper have a stronger argument overall. You powerfully showed us how to make our writing less dull. Then the main body has paragraphs of a few sentences, unless I want to stress a specific sentence (if I want to stress a single sentence, I create a one-sentence paragraph). Henneke sped ahead like a hungry hyena spotting an antelope. (early) Check Hint … By the way, engaging, alluring, and captivating are adjectives. In fact, even successful authors do so now and then. I think readers notice it when you write with enthusiasm or when you’re finding writing a pain. The online version is free. I appreciate your comment . I especially appreciate the ultra-specific examples you provide. It can even be played by a dependent cause: We'll eat whenever he gets here. Yeah, I know. However, it is certainly true that practice makes perfect. Thanks again, great lesson; delightfully written. You can also use adverbs when writing dialogue such as “’Don’t move,’ she said threateningly.” This tells the reader the tone the speaker used. The adverb “breaktakingly” adds stress and paints a more vivid version, so you can decide to leave it, or opt for “Her friend is .. Oops. Thank God for some nice adverbs. You could also write that another source cited in your paper “expertly” stated a case, or that they “eloquently” made their point. This is the type of information, instruction and guidance that you can find throughout Spellbinding Sentences. Some of us, many years past grammar class, could use the help of software that highlights them for us…so we could then search and destroy. In addition, the conscious removal of adverbs will force you to SHOW. The average was six adverbs in five pages. Adverbs can express manner (slowly), time (yesterday), frequency (often) or degree (very). Ha Ha, Sharing this with my kids. There are many ways to write bad copy. , Excellent post, thank you Henneke! My writing and even my edits tend to be “more than is needed” to convey my message, and adverbs could be a major contributor to the muck. Here are examples of sentences using adverbs to describe verbs: She spoke quietly. I’ll have a look! Emphatically. There was an error submitting your subscription. I love your lessons Henneke, thanks for another one! Happy writing, Tara! , But that’s exactly what first drafts are for! Most advice that calls for decreased use of adverbs lays out, in detail, reasons why adverbs are often (but not always) less effective than other word choices. I hope you’ll find them useful, too. I will check to see if it’s the adverb issue. That might be fine if you’re writing for experts. You are so knowledgeable! Exceptionally clean writing. Determinedly. We just have to edit ruthlessly . Nouns refer to people or things, so the word, Adjectives describe what people or things are like, so the word. I’m going to apply this to the website copy I’m writing right away. I came to your site because in my business communications I often struggle with where to put the adverb! It might be that I’ve been following this routine less recently. Thank you, Alina. When you delete “very” you might feel that the remaining sentence, “Henneke is a crazy girl,” isn’t strong enough. To crown it all, adverbs are great in writing and oral speech either since they help us to show sophistication. In some situations, adverbs are the best choice. We do not think we invented English, but some of us actually know how to speak it. I’ve created a couple of macros to help me spot trouble areas. As well as engaging, alluring and captivating. As always, we can’t thank you enough our dear Henneke. PD: sorry for my English, instead I’ve studied English here (Spain) since I was a child my writing has become terrible in the last years. Students rearrange sentences to make them flow and look at descriptive extracts which use both adjectives and adverbs for effect. I appreciate your comment (and you loyal readership! . Let’s see some examples. Teachers are able to determine how well their students have understood the lesson on adverbs and at the same time, assess their students’ writing skills. Yep, I do the illustrations. Interestingly though, after reading Stephen King’s On Writing, I came off with the notion that adverbs are just too lame and should never appear in writing. This will make your writing and speech correct as well as colorful! And, as in this sentence from Dickens, an adverb structure can encompass other adverbials and adjectives: He livedin a gloomy suite of rooms in a lowering pile of building up a yard, where it had so little business to be that one could scarcely help fancying it must have run there when it was a young house, playing at hide and seek with other houses, and have forgotten the way out again. A funny misread… In the email leading to this page I mistook adverbs for adverts… Why adverts stink? - The adverb quietly describes how she spoke. Dear Henneke, Here I am, enjoying myself hippety-hopping through your enchanting writings.

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