Its important even significant factor that slavery played a huge part in bolstering the economic strength of the Irish Catholic Church, and Ireland in general. I want to elaborate on how reparations improve Survivors' lives. THE REMAINS OF infants and toddlers lay for decades at the site at the Bon Secours Mother and Baby Home in Tuam, unmarked, unvisited, unknown. I continue to remain steadfast in the face of adversity, the various forms of distress and evil conveyed by our tormentors, the miscreant clerics. Firm to sow disinformation to say that the Babies and Children flushed into their Septic Tank were Famine Babies. 1. In addition, mothers and babies were often kept long after their babies were born, and after they were otherwise medically fit for discharge. Each “. The list above refers to the top 1,000 baby girl names from 2019, as determined by birth certificate data. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Please note that uses cookies to improve your experience and to provide services and advertising. I want to be clear; I don’t seek revenge and my heart is not full of hate, but I want the truth. Investigators for the Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Inquiry yesterday confirmed both that they had uncovered “a significant number” of those children’s remains – and that they dated back to the era during which the home was operational. To embed this post, copy the code below on your site, 600px wide I expect the Parish Records that the  Archdiocese of Tuam had, is now, disposed of into the same septic tank chambers with the remains of the 796  babies and children. | The Archbishop of Tuam, Dr Michael Neary has also refused to provide Church Documents and Records pertaining to the Tuam- Mother and Babies Home and Survivors, looking for their brothers, sisters, and mothers. The present Archbishop of Tuam, Dr Michael Neary, while previously distancing his Archdiocese from involvement in the Tuam- Mother and Babies Home scandal, is now in fear of  further investigations, discovering more hidden graves and septic tank chambers, and has and is refusing to meet any and all Survivors from the Tuam, Mother and Babies Home. Photograph: Patrick Bolger. Burials were expensive at the time, and  money was provided for burials by both the local council and the Irish Government of £5 I believe. 3. But I had seen and experienced all that happened to me and them in the work Gulags, known as the Magdalene Laundries, Industrial Schools and Orphanages of Ireland. The Irish Catholic Church contributes to maintaining the atmosphere of distrust that so often defines the fragility of Governments in transition and they adversely affect the credibility of political, democratic and rule of law institutions. Many have memories of their wretched childhood, the youngest children sold out of the system had no memories of their mothers or other family members that could be recalled. The Religious run Institutions kept its vulnerable women and children in domestic servitude. Full Lists of Babies’ First Names 2010 to 2019. We were all emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally raped. “What’s contributed to this is that somehow Ireland had remained oblivious to even the existence of the Boys Club or the depth of harm inflicted there. That time it was used by senior management in the HSE, in 2012, in relation to the contents of an archive of the Tuam mother and baby home, two years before the Tuam babies scandal broke. As of yet, we do not know how many of these children are among the remains found but Corless supplied the names of all of the children, and their age when they died, to I have seen these official documents, not only did the, Nuns falsify the official documents, they then told their, Irish Government that the stolen babies had died at birth, enabling the, Nuns to collect more monies from the Irish Government to bury the so call dead babies, when in fact the trafficked babies were not dead but stolen by the, Something else according to the original documents from, Bessborough Mother and Baby Home, was that the Death Register only lists deaths of babies and children up until January 1953, while Birth Registrations are listed up till August 1955, therefore it would appear that a total of 5.5 years of death registrations is not accounted for by the Nuns. The vast profit making of the Industrial Schools through the selling of their farm products, clothing, shoes, and carpentry, and of course the illegal trafficking of babies and children directly out of the Mother and Baby Homes of Ireland. Finally, the Church’s asset portfolio included 10,700 properties, the Catholic Church in Ireland owns or occupied more than 10,700 properties across the country and controlled nearly 6,700 religious and educational sites. Decades later he was in hospital after suffering a severe mental breakdown because he could not verbalise what had happened to him. To make things a little bit easier here are our 300 top baby girl names, with a little about where each one comes from, in alphabetical order… Most popular baby girl names . This revenue from the sales of babies and children subsidised expansions of their state schools  and private hospitals that the Religious Institutions ran at the time and run to this day, and paid the school and hospital building debts that the Irish Catholic Church had accumulated at the time. Browse our full collection of baby girl names and baby boy names, or check out some Disney-themed baby name articles to help get you inspired. But we have an usual situation, shameful here in Ireland of many secret Mass Graves at many of our Religious Institutions, run by the different Catholic Religious Orders. I have never met my Brothers or Sisters, nor even my Mother who was brutalised and died in a Magdalene Asylum and dumped with a few hundred more murdered slave women by the brutality of the Irish Catholic Church. They were compensated with rape, torture, beatings and death. I didn’t even understand the Christian Religion with its message of love. image caption Protesters held up placards of the names of babies buried at Tuam during the Pope's visit to Ireland in August. Reformed hoarder and clutter expert Emma Gleeson looks at what her work has taught her about how we run our homes – and our lives. In many areas of these Religious run Institutions, educating their slaves was actually discouraged. The Bon Secours Sisters believe that these babies and children were not God’s Children, but spawns of the devil. baby name statistics are compiled from first names recorded when live births are registered in England and Wales as part of civil registration, a legal requirement. All the Religious run Institutions collected the money, from the private companies or people who used their services, but the Religious Orders never paid the women, or boys their just dues. A second man, who was sent to the Boys Club in 1967 when he was 16, stated he was taken on a pub crawl by an elderly priest who got him drunk and raped him. We can if we united with are common pain, our inner strengths, our story must be told, are stories will be told. The Irish Catholic Church sold thousands, of women and children into a hellish life of Slavery and Domestic Servitude, including the illegal sale of babies abroad to finance the Irish Catholic Church’s continuous operations and expansions, both at home and abroad. Abigail. The 2020 information is not yet available. Slaves of these Religious run Institutions were not considered humans so we have no true documented history of where we are from, who we are related to or anything pertaining to our family history. boy Man + Add to my list Related names. the burial mound of two shoulders. I didn’t understand the selling of babies and children, dead or alive. Many within the Religious Orders that ran these vile Institutions, beat, raped and even killed their charges, forcing the women and children to work long hours, many in poor health. Truly harrowing. The women and their children never had anything of value to pass down to generations to keep their memories alive, many lost their complete families within and because of these run Religious Institutions. It could only have been the conniving Bon Secours Sisters, with the complicit help of the Cult known as the Irish Catholic Church. The sight from their luxurious bedrooms and well refined, elegant drawing rooms, of their Convent, watching a parade of thousands of grieving Mothers, paying homage, every day, at the graves of their buried babies and children, would be to much for the Holy Nuns to bare. Lists of the first forenames of babies of each sex whose births were registered in each year. Something else the Irish Catholic Church pays no taxes and even gets vast sums of free money from the Irish Government. Please contact myself, Owen Felix O’Neill, formally Patrick McCarthy at- (. The Irish Catholic Church directly benefited from the slavery of these women and their children, as did all the Religious Orders, with the illegally, selling of babies and children, enforced labour on the captive women and their children. A mass grave contains the remains of up to 800 babies and children at a former home for unmarried mothers in Tuam, Co Galway. Now this would correspondingly indicate an IMR of 21 % . In reality it really was easier for the Bon Secours Sisters to forget the spawns of the devil, flushed into the bleak, black hell of the cesspool chambers, hidden, far under their Convent lands at Tuam, County Galway. The latter were requested to pay sums of money for the time, in the region of £50-£60, and this was payable by monthly premium. Listen now wherever you get your podcasts, The latest Irish and international sports news for readers and members, A platform helping fund the type of in-depth journalism that the public wants to see, Guilt, messiness and forgiving yourself: What I learned from being a professional declutterer. Hundreds and hundreds and Row after row of baby sized heads and bones, mixed up, with human waste, shattered across 17 dark septic tank chambers, all filled with human bones of babies and children. I myself couldn’t walk until I was four years old. According to the Registration of Birth Books- in Bessborough Mother and Baby Home, 2. Many of the women, girls and boys as slaves, were hired out to the local hotels, private homes, hospitals, as daily domestic help. Child trafficking was also widely practiced in all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland. Mother and baby … It was used for the collection and storage of feces, excreta or fecal sludge as part of an on-site sanitation system used at the Tuam Mother and Baby Home in County Galway, Ireland. The names, ages, and causes of death of the Tuam babies - all 796 children who died at St. Mary’s Home, in Tuam, Co. Galway from 1925 to 1960. The extent of this secret program run by the Irish Catholic Church became clear to researchers over the course of many years, as they found groups of “returning Irish men and women, with dubious paperwork of their birth, false paperwork, issued to their adoptive parents by the Nuns, who sold them as nothing more than chattel. The lying Sisters of the Bon Secours offer a hollow apology that the Saint of Tuam has accepted on behalf of the genuine Survivors. I Patrick McCarthy was a 15 year old boy in 1969 when I first entered the  Boys Club, on Eccles Street, than called Our Lady’s Hostel for Boys at 64-65 Eccles Street. Also the Irish Government Inspectors, would then see the site of thousands of tiny crosses denoting an individual grave on their, the Convent lands, which would mean that all the locals and Irish Government Inspectors, would know and see for themselves, the thousands of tiny crosses, and that the Tuam Mother and Baby Home in County Galway, Ireland, was really the killing ground for unwanted, vulnerable Babies and Children. The scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment when injury, disability, or death is likely to occur. List of the Magdalene Laundries in Ireland, Mother and Baby Homes, Industrial Schools of Ireland, The results of any experiment must be for the greater good of society, Human experiments should be based on previous animal experimentation, Experiments should be conducted by avoiding physical/mental suffering and injury, No experiments should be conducted if it is believed to cause death/disability, The risks should never exceed the benefits, Adequate facilities should be used to protect subjects, Experiments should be conducted only by qualified scientists, Subjects should be able to end their participation at any time. Printer-friendly version. Both the female and male domestic slaves also talk about being forcibly raped and beaten during the night. Your contributions will help us continue to deliver the stories that are important to you. | Corless, who lives outside Tuam, has been working for several years on records associated with the former St Mary’s mother-and-baby home in the town. These kidnapped babies would not be permitted to remain even with other living relatives who were lawfully married and in some cases had no children of their own. Wire service provided by Associated Press. The septic tank chambers were lined with red bricks, and formed into underground chambers covered with a very large concrete slab, the septic tank chambers should have been emptied on a regular basis but it never was emptied, because the Bon Secours Sisters, at the time knew their dirty secret would come out, the septic tank chambers were the place to dispose of, in secret, the remains of the bodies of unwanted, vulnerable Babies and Children. Adamaris. Discover which girls names are the most popular choices. So using the IMR in Bessborough Mother and Baby Home appears at least, Causes of baby death by the Nuns at Bessborough’s Mother and Baby Home are also a lie, because we now know that 1,060 babies didn’t die, but illegally sold into America. But the Nuns at St. Patrick’s on the Navan Road had other ideas, they refused, because I was born out of wedlock. Also the vast profits made in the Magdalene Laundries run as a criminal enterprise with the full support of the Irish Government and Irish Business Contracts. In addition, we now know that the Crafty Sisters of the Bon Secours Order, collected money weekly on the babies and children in their care, the Bon Secours Sisters, never informed the Irish Government when a baby or child died, you see they were paid per child, it was in the interests of the Bon Secours Sisters not to report any of the children’s deaths, if it could, and something else, if the Bon Secours Sisters reported too many deaths, they feared Irish Government Inspectors, visiting, unannounced and asking awkward questions. You see, it’s very simple, the Bon Secours Sisters would have needed the express permission of his predecessor Archbishop Thomas Gilmartin in 1925 to enter the Tuam Archdiocese to set up shop, their Mother and Babies Institution.The Bon Secours Sisters would have been under the direct jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of Tuam and secret contracts would have been entered into by then Archbishop and the Bon Secours Sisters at the time and rubber-stamped by Galway County Council as regards the refurbishment of this old public assistance building and the payments of monies to the Order, which would only go through the Archdiocese of Tuam  and then passed into the rich coffers of the Bon Secours Sisters themselves, for their “taking in” of unmarried pregnant girls. This information was gleaned from known records. Catherine Corless stands beside the list of children's names at the Tuam Mother and Baby site. The domestic slaves of the Religious run Institutions were trapped in an endless servitude through the use of force or coercion, such as physical (including sexual) or emotional abuse and rape. The soon-to-be-revealed horrors of the septic tank filled with rejects in Tuam will make a deep impression on minds and hearts, be they young or old. Owen O’Neill, my father left his name on official documents at my birth. Incomplete, unable to be identified, and never given dignity, in life nor death. I was drunk most of the time, it deadened the memories so that I didn’t care. From 1972 it was known simply as “Our Lady’s Hostel”. Journal Media does not control and is not responsible for user created content, posts, comments, submissions or preferences. News images provided by Press Association and Photocall Ireland unless otherwise stated. Thousands of these children now adults, suffered emotional trauma when they were removed forcibly from their Mothers or other relatives, and will continue to do so to this day. Tuam babies scandal 06:00, 11 JAN 2021. Full Lists of Babies’ First Names 2010 to 2019. Years ago DNA was unknown to humankind but the identification of human remains are now possible in all cases to be identified, by comparing medical and dental records of missing persons with findings at autopsy in cadavers rescued from mass graves. The Explainer is a weekly podcast from that takes a deeper look at one big news story you need to know about. If Pope Francis believes his own words, then let him speak out about the past practice of slavery of women and children in the Magdalene Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes and the Industrial Schools of Ireland. “They all wanted to be our friends, to buy us stuff like ciggies, drink, food, movies or take us out on drives in the country for sex in their cars. The Sisters went on to say -, Many enablers in the Press refer to the site in Tuam to a mass grave, it is not, it is a Septic Tank full to the brim with 800 disposed Babies and Children. They lived the life of an adult and had their childhood, abused, raped and stolen. For many years I was afraid to come out about my experiences. The name probably refers to the high ground on either side of the River Nanny, overlooking a probable fording point over the River Nanny (or Corchra). The oldest was 7-year-old Mary Connolly, with congenital hydrocephalus who perished after suffering from measles for five days. Users are reminded that they are fully responsible for their own created content and their own posts, comments and submissions and fully and effectively warrant and indemnify Journal Media in relation to such content and their ability to make such content, posts, comments and submissions available. I hope I can give you, the Living Witness the strength to take them on. Their unvarnished truths in their own voice and style, we will publish on the front page of our website. Get the lowdown on thousands of baby names right here — including meanings, origins, namesakes, celebrity babies, and Disney characters who share the same name. The Religious Orders took any possibility of education away from them. The42 | In a statement, the Sisters of Bon Secours apologised for being “part of this sorrowful history” in which many women and children were, No Sisters, let’s be clear here you put or flushed 800 babies down into a Septic Tank with your human waste, where the Babies still reside. Owen O’Neill of Dublin was my father’s name, so I changed it over, recently, when I found out that he, my father, intended to marry my mother, Nora. So the question I pose is should the Irish Catholic Church pay financial, he main people who profited from the slavery and trafficking of children, itself, were the. Child slavery and child labour was acceptable in our society and encouraged and run by the Irish Catholic Church. This is a constant reminder of human vulnerability and exposure to Irish Catholic Church tyranny. All the women and Children were verbally abused and physical assaulted on a daily basis, many women and children were worked or beaten to death. There is something rotten in the Catholic State of Ireland, that we can do this with babies and children, 796 is a big number, a powerful symbol of a failure to safeguard vulnerable babies and children in the care of Irish Catholic run Orphanages. The Bon Secours Mother and Baby Home (also known as St Mary's Mother and Baby Home or simply The Home) that operated between 1925 and 1961 in the town of Tuam, County Galway, Ireland, was a maternity home for unmarried mothers and their children. It appears from the official documents that monies were paid both by the natural mothers for the care of their babies, and by their adoptive parents. Thousands  of babies died as a direct consequence of the ill-treatment, in spite of the fact that the nuns were well paid per head by the Irish State to look after the children. We must speak out now, not just to speak out now, but to shine a bright light of truth on our blighted childhoods. A cesspit, or cesspool, is a manmade structure, which is not sealed at the bottom. We here in Ireland must take responsibility as a nation for allowing such a thing to exist, we also restore the dignity of that suffering to those, the Survivors, who have descended from it and most certainly been impacted by it. Slavery is the ownership, buying and selling of human beings for the purpose of forced and unpaid labour, and this is what the Irish Catholic Church did with tens of thousands of unwed mothers and their children throughout its many Religious run Institutions in Ireland. Gardai probe claims of clerical sex abuse at Dublin hostel of horrors, Victims say priests passed them around "like pieces of meat", There was a games room downstairs and a disco where priests would dance with the young boys. It is not the children’s duty nor should it never be the duty, to meet the needs of the Irish Catholic Church, in all cases, child labour leads to corruption, child abuse, child rape, human trafficking and slavery. How ironic from the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis considers exploitation 'a grievous wound in the body of humanity’  and therefore for Catholics a wound in the body of Christ. Please remember, strength is in numbers, we are no longer alone, together we are strength. Irish sport images provided by Inpho Photography unless otherwise stated. Some of the slave women and boys reported sleeping on cold kitchen floors, or locked into farm barns or outhouses if they had to stay over. There was also a private flat upstairs where abusers took their victims. On the last available year for each country, we count 0 birth. Many women and their children were physically tortured, with beatings, rapes and starvations. We went a step further by continuing to deny educational opportunities once slavery in these Religious run Institutions had ended. By acknowledging the disadvantage created by slavery in these Catholic Church run Institutions and the subsequent human rights violations committed in them. Somebody put the more than 796 babies and children into the septic tank in Tuam. The former ambassador says the decision by the UK to act unilaterally on some issues in relation to the Brexit Protocol is another deeply unhelpful move. Some children were kidnapped by force, by the Nuns often after their Mothers had died, during birth or the mother was murdered, by neglect, or deprived of medications, in the Mother and Baby Homes of Ireland. DNA analysis may efficiently contribute to the identification of remains even decades later. Now it seems to some morally imperative that they, the Irish Catholic Church, repay their ethical debts to these former slaves of these heinous Religious run Institutions. Nobody else could have done it. With Survivors and their families, sitting throughout the land, anxiously waiting in the hope of identifying the remains, and muttering quietly to themselves, “ Is this my brother, Is this my sister, Is this my son, Is this my daughter”, Is this really Ireland !!. boy Man + Add to my list Related names. My own story can be found on my website, So to any and all Living Witnesses of the Boys Club, following the publication in a recent article in the, want to offer a public platform in which all Living Witnesses of the Boys Club can tell their stories, good or bad. If we want closure, both the Catholic Church in Ireland and the Irish State must pay. Originally a shortening of Germanic names like Adelaide and Adaline, with ‘Adal’ meaning ‘Noble’ 3. In fact Dr Michael Neary, is committing grievous crimes and genocidal crimes by hiding and disposing of, direct evidence of the atrocities committed at Tuam- Mother and Babies Home. 300 300 Baby Names List (A-Z) - Page 2 - from "Abraham" to "Adalyn" Adalynn. The files below have been made available as Excel spreadsheets and can be viewed in Comma Separated Value (CSV) or Adobe Acrobat Portable … I want to know what happened to all the slave women and children, but of course I particularly want and deserve the truth about my own Mother, my Brothers and my Sisters. Alone and pregnant, she was following in the footsteps of more than a century’s worth of lost souls. According to the Registration of Death Books- in Bessborough Mother and Baby Home. In 1946, twenty-six-year-old Bridget Dolan walked up the path to the front door of the Tuam mother and baby home. Please be confident our stories will be told, put aside our fears, be brave, we will be heard, loud and clear. Slavery in any form is wrong and it is disgusting that the Irish Catholic Church profited by enslaving women and children in their Magdalene Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes and the Industrial Schools of Ireland.

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