Kong-Pin Chen (Academia Sinica) Introduction to Law and Economic 14/37 ..... Coase Theorem: Preview In general, do externalities necessarily call for governmental intervention? (T/F) The Coase Theorem asserts that government intervention is a prerequisite for addressing externality problems. 68) The Coase theorem states that 68) _____ A) government intervention is always needed if externalities are present. His prescriptions often involve the active intervention of government: for example, in setting the rules over whether railroads or farmers are responsible for dealing with sparks, or setting up auctions for spectrum rights, or giving lighthouse builders a right to charge tolls. The Coase theorem argues that if liability rules with regard to the externality generating activity are established and agents can trade rights to generate the externality and bargaining is costless then an efficient allocation of resources will result if agents bargain rights to generate externalities, no matter which party is allocated the initial rights. Pigouvian taxation requires governmental intervention, and government has to know the details of cost/benefit. B) a free market equilibrium is the best solution to address externalities. C) if transactions costs are low, private bargaining will result in an efficient solution to the problem of externalities. Coase’s essay is routinely cited for the proposition that the existence of “externalities” justifies governmental intervention, when Coase suggested nothing of the sort. His prescriptions often involve the active intervention of government: for example, in setting the rules over whether railroads or farmers are responsible for dealing with sparks, or setting up auctions for spectrum rights, or giving lighthouse builders a right to charge tolls. A well known result from microeconomics, the First Welfare Theorem, says that under certain assumptions, a competitive equilibrium is Pareto efficient. 2.4 The Coase Theorem and Its Use to Justify Judicial Activism or Interventionism . According to the Coase theorem, if private parties can bargain without cost, then the private market will solve the problem of externalities. The property rights solution is also known as the Coase Theorem, developed by Nobel Prize winner Ronald Coase. The Coase Theorem, named after Nobel laureate Ronald Coase, states that in the presence of an externality, private parties will arrive at an efficient outcome without government intervention. the Coase theorem implies a lot about the proper scope of government intervention in the economy and about the welfare consequences of laissez-faire. Instead it only shows what desperate lengths and unrealistic assumptions neo-classical economics will go to in defence of the market. Coase theorem doesn’t aloe people to negotiate by themselves without any government intervention if the property rights are secured and the cost of negotiation is not high. Rather, the case for governmental intervention is made by showing that such intervention is likely to make things better — something that must be shown, and not merely assumed. The Coase Theorem, named after Nobel laureate Ronald Coase, states that in the presence of an externality, private parties will arrive at an efficient outcome without government intervention. Government intervention in the market cannot make … Continue reading "Blackboard Economics and the Coase Theorem" A couple of quick notes on doing Pigou right: Magnitudes matter. British American economist Ronald Coase developed the Coase theorem in 1960, and, although not a regulatory framework, it paved the way for incentive-driven, or market-based, regulatory systems. The Coase theorem states that: a. government intervention is always needed if externalities are present. Thus, the cost of the negotiated outcome is shared between the parties without any external intervention. The Coase theorem. Government intervention, effects can be structured using the free market, allowing the government to make all the decisions or a mixture of both. Ronald Coase is an economist who won a Nobel Prize for Economics and developed his theory in 1960.

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