Soon after the arrival of the visitors, the people gathered at the grand stand, where the speakers and chiefs assembled to address them. ... Little Rock financier Warren Stephens and the city of North Little Rock. View all hotels near The Ark of Return on Tripadvisor. There is no better hotel in Southern Kansas, and its equal is not to be found in any town off the railroad. All work warranted. LAND OFFICE AT WICHITA, KANSAS, June 9th, 1879. Sanctuary City is the remains of an old long abandoned city that has suffered damage and overgrowth. Parties calling for the above will please state that they were advertised. A few years wrestling with the ague at Kiowa and Comanche Agency satisfied him that the Territory, generally, is not a healthy location. PHOTOS AND VIDEOS. Some of the small fry started a slop stand at the right of the door of Patterson's saloon last Friday and dished up the cheap and nasty, pretty lively for awhile. 80 acres of good land on State line convenient to timber and water, forty acres in good cultivation. Our goal is to make sure we're adding new select organizations and travel baseball teams in Ark City to our database every day. City. DAVID MERICLE, ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS. Charles Parker's card appears in this number of the TRAVELER. S. E. Hunt and husband to H. M. Kinsie, lot 13, blk. Dr. Shepard was confined to his house with sickness several days last week. The genial flour inspector, F. Bohle, of St. Louis, spent the greater part of last week with his friends at this place. Mr. Ryan's "House Bill" for the relief of settlers on the Osage lands has passed that body. A stalk of corn, of sixty days growth, measuring six feet in height, was brought into the TRAVELER office last Monday. March 1, 2021 | Ark City Man Stopped By Road Spikes After Chase Early Sunday; Search for: News March 5, 2021. Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1879. The bed of the main stream is from 600 to 800 feet wide from there to the bridge. The Dr. is a genial companion and a type of Kentucky's noblest sons. Democrat. They usually take down corn and bring back a load of bones for which they get $7.50 per ton. The slope of the river is 136 feet, or about 2.3 feet per mile. Call and see me and be convinced. During the general melee the south end of Summit street was enlivened by a wordy war between a north side granger and a citizen in regard to taking up a runaway team, which was ended by the granger paying a good round price for the said citizen taking up the team. Persons having subscribed aid to the cyclone sufferers in Butler County and not yet paid the same will please call at Cowley County Bank and pay, so that the funds may be sent at once. CHOICE LIQUORS, COOL DRINKS. The Indian Agent said Keokuk should not go because there was no appropriation to pay his expenses. Patriotism was boiling and seething in every community to such an extent that a union celebration at the county seat was not to be thought of, and extensive preparations were made in four or five localities to honor the memory of the Revolutionary heroes "every man to his notion, every woman as she wills, and every child as he has been trained.". The buildings already completed are neat and substantial, while the four new cottages in course of construction will add much to the comfort of the employees. The committee on arrangements hereby tender their thanks to Lieutenant Cushman for his kind service at the celebration on the Fourth of July. Yours, A. W. ["PLAIN TALK" RE LUMBER ACTION TAKEN ON ARKANSAS BRIDGE.]. A company of Cavalry from Ft. Reno reported to Col. Barrett, commanding the detachment here in camp, at 6 o'clock p.m., Saturday last. Good Dried Apples, 5c. T. McIntire and wife to W. S. Houghton, lot 11, blk. Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1879. Agent Williams reports everything quiet at the Pawnee Agency. City spokesperson Andrew Lawson said the estimated cost of the local project is $910,000, but the city hopes to secure state transportation funding for 25 percent of the remaining cost to reduce local taxpayer costs even more. NOTICE. J. T. Shepard's Central Store. Seven teams loaded last week at Schiffbauer Bros. with supplies for the Territory. If you don't see the obituary or death record that you are looking for, use this form to search our entire database. He lingered three days, then died. Hurrah for the Busy Mart of the South West! REPAIRING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. We hope to welcome him back again next year. It was then re-dedicated to the worship of God, and the Session of the Church and congregation agreeing to the same, resolved to hold the Church for religious worship alone. Mr. Conway, just in from a trip to Wichita, says dirt is flying lively as far as Sand creek, and ties and iron going down from Wichita out. The blood almost burst from his face through the skin. The last heat was run by the Crawford "hoss" against the Rexford Canuck. is pushing his views towards the depot. His many friends hope he will find speedy relief. We received a call from Mr. Manser on Monday last. The steamer has on board pine lumber, shingles, and wagon stuff. No Adulterated TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, SUGAR or MOLASSES Found in His store. Carpenter has fled to parts unknown, and is not to be found by the military when his company is so desirable. It is a much nearer route to Arkansas City, and fully as good road as by the way of Ponca. Aged 1 year 8 months and 19 days. There will be a basket meeting at the Parker schoolhouse next Sunday, Rev. No need of tramps. Upon his return he found that the vest, in which were his watch and memorandum book, with notes to the value of $120, was missing. Manson Rexford left his vest at home last Friday night while he and his wife went out to view the fire-works, the heat rendering the article of clothing useless. A thing which ought to have been done long before this. Another Winfield mana tailor this timehas located in the shop with Joseph Schuster. When last heard from he was en route to Winfield, Wellington, or Arkansas City. A Texan with too much tanglefoot fell into the hands of Marshal Mott last week. This time he is not a quack, but an ex-army officer. Mr. Gooch will commence today to cut fifty acres of wheat on his farm east of town. Are you willing longer to be made the butt of ridicule, and branded as a set of apes that can be cajoled into voting anything that some codfish-smelling Yankee may suggest? She is a widow, and works hard for a living, and is entitled to care on the grounds of humanity, if nothing else. Supposed that the fire was set by his little boy. In Silverdale Township, to Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Musselman, a son, May 5th, 1879. HUEY & MITCHELL. Bear it in mind, ye who are in search of the best locations, that no town in the Southwest has as bright prospects in the early future as this city. Winter wheat, 22 bu. Arkansas City Silver Cornet Band, To be followed by an Oration and Public Speaking. 9 AND 10 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN BY GILBERT & JARVIS, WINFIELD, KANSAS. Maj. John D. Miles, Agent at the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency, reports that the Indians are quiet and well disposed, and at the time of the reportsome two weeks agothat the Indians were disorderly, and about to start on the war-path, they were plowing and planting corn. STATE VS. DAVID CREEK: 4 years in the penitentiary. The jury in the case of the Pawnee Indian killed at this place last week returned a verdict that the deceased was shot by an unknown party. City. March 1, 2021 | Ark City Man Stopped By Road Spikes After Chase Early Sunday; Search for: News March 5, 2021. Next came the war dance by the Ponca Indians, fifteen in number, whose names are: White Eagle (the head chief), Lewis Premo (police), Little Standing Buffalo, Black White Dog, Little Black Crow, Shines White, Buffalo Head, Thick Nail, Treads on Two, Packs the Horse, Big Kansas, Harry King, Little Pole Cat, White Feather, and Makes Noise. REVIEW SUMMARY. 67, Ark. Snow, lots 26 and 18, blk. Leaves Daily 7 A.M. Office in the old Printing Room, Summit Street, Arkansas City, Kansas. A card from Dr. Griffith explains her case, and steps should be taken at once to relieve her. In accordance with orders received from this office, I proceeded to Wichita, Kansas, and commenced the examination of the river at the mouth of the Little Arkansas. Remember the unfortunate and help the man along. Territory MattersLetter from C. M. EDITOR TRAVELER: At your suggestion I will give you a few brief items from the land of the red man, from which I have just returned after three weeks absence, a ride of 600 miles on horseback from Arkansas City to Camp Supply, via way of Cheyenne Agency and Fort Reno, Fort Bennett, and up the North Fork of the Canadian into the Pan Handle of Texas. LUMBER, E. R. THOMPSON, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF PINE LUMBER, DOORS AND SASH.- Call and see me and get prices before buying elsewhere. Officers saw the alleged stolen truck and conducted a traffic stop a little after 9 p.m. Friday in the 600 block of South Summit Street, in Ark City. The difference of level between the two places is about 69 feet, giving a slope of 2.75 feet per mile. I ALSO MANUFACTURE BOOTS AND SHOES, and keep constantly on hand a large Stock of the best Leather, and GUARANTEE GOOD WORK And satisfactory prices. (0.24 mi) EVEN Hotel New York - Midtown East. Sulky Plow, nearly new, for sale, cash or plowing. Many friends here will rejoice with the lady in her restoration to reason. Government having arrested the tide of squatters flowing into the Territory via Coffeyville, Chetopa, and other points in the Southeast part of Kansas, there seems to be a preconcerted movement to rendezvous at, or near here, and all move together for the Territory. The loss is irreparable, and falls with crushing weight on our farmers. CHAS. Should they, or others who have once been removed, enter the Territory again, with a view of settlement, their wagons and utensils will be burned and their stock confiscated. He entered the printing class in September, and during that term, says the Industrialist, he made sufficient advancement to be able the next term to pay his way by his work, ranking high in all his classes. Cushman and detachment of U. S. Regulars; carriage with Judge M. S. Adams, of Wichita, as orator of the day; the Masonic order; then a company of ragamuffins, in wagons and on horseback, dressed in the most outlandish costumes imaginable, and making the air resound with the hideous noise produced upon improvised musical (?) Senator Plumb writes a very interesting letter on this subject, and will spare no pains in securing the necessary appropriations for this purpose. If the Winfield papers were as keen to pitch into the murderer of a white man in their town as they were in the case of the killing of a Pawnee Indian by an Indian, at this place, it would look somewhat better. WE HAVE JUST OPENED a complete line seasonable Dry Goods, Ladies', Misses' and Child's shoes, which will be sold at "very close margin." I desire to call attention to the Assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES. Learn more about David Seaton, Assistant General Manager, The Ark City Traveler including contact information, career history, news and intelligence. After which if the way is clear, a Union Sunday School will be organized. Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, June 18, 1879. Mr. Manser is a live real estate agent in Winfield and those who place their business in his care will make a good selection. We have Pearson's Hall in the city, and spacious school rooms. And by the time the granger hunt was over, the soldiers had quietly retired some to their tents and some to the sidewalks leaving the city to the quiet and peaceful possession of the marshal. Call and see me and be convinced. A draw would be necessary to allow the passage of boats. So much for the white settlers rushing in and making fools of themselves, and bringing hardships upon stock men. The L. L. & G. R. R. propose to build directly west from Wellington, into Harper County. Will Stewart has gone to Parsons to reside. Under the supervision of Col. Whiteman, this tribe is gaining in livestock, the habits of industry are taught, and if undisturbed, in a short time will be an independent people. Satisfaction guaranteed. DIED. REVIEWS Write a Review. WALTON & KNIGHT. Here we found Mr. J. N. Clayton hoeing corn among the stumps. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. AL. I receive a paper from your press nearly every week, bringing the glad tidings from your town and country. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD. The Cimarron or Red Fork of the Arkansas comes in on the right, and contributes a considerable amount of water to the main river. From El Paso to Oxford the distance is 25 miles. JOSEPH SCHUSTER, Manufacturer of Boots & Shoes Arkansas City, Kansas. 71, Ark. The Forty-fifth Congress passed a law that it shall be unlawful for the Interior Department to remove into the Indian Territory any tribe of Indians from New Mexico or Arizona, the Sioux included. The status of this Chicago claim seems to be of some interest to others besides Creswell Township. Soft lumber, $2.25; hard lumber and walnut, $2.75. City crowded and overrunning with strangers. Henry Elinger, Augusta, Kansas. You see, Brother Conklin, we are none of us selfish. Brush for mattresses is quite scarce on the river from Wichita to this place; but there is but little doubt that the tall, rank prairie grass, which is indigenous to this region, and grows in great abundance, could be used to advantage in the work by mixing it in with the brush, and in all probability would be economical. We clip the above from the Winfield Semi-Weekly. Dr. M. E. Munger, of Manchester, Michigan, and Chas. Crossing the Chikaskia just below this point, we continued our drive in the same direction, and soon found that the trail we were traveling led to the late camp of James Bell and party. The bridge is a strong and handsome structure, built of wood and iron. It contains a good store well filled with a general assortment of goods of all kinds. She met the John G. Fletcher above Webber's falls, discharging her lumber and preparing to return. 81, Ark. We notice a new pair of platform scales in use before the store of Benedict Bros. Capt. The name of this city is not pronounced like the nearby state of Arkansas, but rather as / ɑːr ˈ k æ n z ə s / (the final "s" is pronounced). Arkansas City Traveler, May 14, 1879. per acre; Flax, 11 bu. We are informed that Mr. A. Greetings Survivors! This is to notify all persons not to trust her on my account for I will not pay it. The junction of the Wichita, Arkansas City, and Wellington railroad has been located on the east side of the river in Gore Township, Sumner County, about nineteen miles south of Wichita and about twenty-five miles from Arkansas City. The small amount of money available rendered rapid work necessary, and hurried reconnaissance was all that could be made. Sweet Apple Cider ice cold at Hermann Godehard. Lieutenant Cushman's Dance. The Arkansas Travelers, also known informally as The Travs, are a Minor League Baseball team based in North Little Rock, Arkansas. City. Yours truly, T. E. BERRY. Inasmuch as the soldiers are quartered at Arkansas City, and spending their money with our tradesmen, some Winfield parties are justified (?) We regret to state that Mr. M. E. Welch has been compelled to quit business, suffering from swelling of the veins in his right limb. The act of Congress, establishing the metes and bounds of the Indian Territory, has never been repealed, and is yet the law of the land. McCLENAHAN - THOMPSON. 2. Well, we regret it too; but the fact is, every room is full in this town, while parties are hard at work hauling down here some of those empty houses that you folks built, but failed to rent. Competition is the life of trade, and the signs of the times point to plenty of it in Arkansas City. A. Newman. The Semi-Weekly says the Indians are peaceable along the border, which does away with the necessity of U. S. troops at Arkansas City. We have been kindly received and well treated by the people of Fort Smith, and part of them are fully alive to the importance of working up a river trade, while some seem to have grown rich here and feel that the country is far enough advanced for all their purposes. This is busi ness, and the best way to settle the championship of the county, besides making some money for the boys. A new and curious habeas corpus case has just terminated in the U. S. Court at Omaha. Our railroads are asking for a right of way through the Indian lands, and seem determined to open up a new era of things. Arkansas City to Kaw Agency: $3,000 Cost of rock excavation. The pulpit took up the howl two years since and screeched itself hoarse preaching to ignorant farmers the God given truth, that bonded indebtedness was the true way to eternal glory. Chief Joseph, who has eclipsed Ben. A. Newman is loading a wagon train for Ft. Sill and Wichita Agency. 2, on Saturday, June 7th, at 2 o'clock, for the purpose of taking into consideration the hiring of a teacher for the next school year. Arkansas City (/ ɑːr ˈ k æ n z ə s /) is a city in Cowley County, Kansas, United States, situated at the confluence of the Arkansas and Walnut rivers in the southwestern part of the county. The granger being on his muscle so far as his tongue was concerned, immediately called the attention of the city marshal, who called to his assistance a posse comitatus, which he found in Ed. They will not now, even with peaceable intention, be permitted to re-cross the frontier. We sold the wheat to Dr. Wall, who has a very fine mill about one mile out of town with all the latest improvements and capable of grinding 300 bushels a day. He says someone will be made an example of if it is not stopped. FINE BREECH LOADING GUNS at very low prices. Editor Traveler: Allow me a few words to say that you was misinformed in regard to the Davis Family being charged double hall rent. At the residence of the bride's father, in East Bolton, this night, John Herbert and Miss Mattie Chambers. They are ordered by General Pope to report to the commanding officer at Camp Supply to combat any outbreak on the part of the Cheyennes. Arkansas City Traveler, May 7, 1879. He has many friends in this city who cherish the warmest regard for him and are ever ready to welcome him to the future city of the border. The Fourth at Arkansas City. 65, Ark. MANTOR] DEALERS IN GROCERIES, WOODENWARE, GLASSWARE, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 28, 1879. The trial of Small for the murder of Starbuck resulted in the conviction of the defendant of manslaughter and five years in the State prison. Call, se 1/4 27, 33, 4. His boy came home, went to bed, but never got up. If you have any nerve, let's hear from you. met at Winfield, to quiz, last Monday. Yours respectfully. John Stafford, of Winfield, has purchased an interest in the meat market, and will locate in this city. 3. TRAVELER: The Steamer Dardanelle landed at this place today on her first trip up the Arkansas. Mr. and Mrs. Temple, of Missouri, left Winfield in company with Pres Walker last Thursday afternoon to come down to Mrs. Elizabeth Wright's, and at the turn in the road, near the house, the buggy was upset and the parties thrown to the ground. Prof. W. D. Mowry has withdrawn from the employ of Dr. Loomis. H. Atkinson to B. Add Photos. One arrest was made yesterday morning, and the party fined ten dollars and costs for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, though they failed to prove that the same party broke the glass. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, racist or sexually-oriented language. About 10 o'clock, however, the Arkansas City cornet band struck up a lively air, and started for the grounds, followed by Lieut. THE STEAM BOAT. Last Thursday afternoon a threshing machine was put up at auction on the Mitchell corner, the proceeds of the sale to satisfy a claim of $186 and costs. The steamer, Cherokee, was at Ft. Smith on the 19th. Kreidler was driving the truck. Mrs. L. H. Gardner started for Leadville, Colorado, Tuesday last. Some very fancy; but few for sale. When you first see the town, you see only the main street, and expect a town of about 1500 inhabitants, but after you have traveled for hours around in the suburbs you conclude they have what they claim, about 6,000. 24, lt. 15, blk. Those who wish to preserve the shadow of life on canvass, should examine this specimen, as it will stand the test of the critic's eye. Mr. Coffin, Mr. King Berry, and Mr. Andrew Berry, with the Misses Hiatt and Coffin, of the Pawnee Agency, are the most patriotic people we have heard of this year. R. A. Houghton, of Ponca Agency, spent a few days in the city last week. Pat's card appears in this number. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. Dr. B. MAYO, M. D., Physician, Surgeon & Accoucheur. WAGONS BUILT AND REPAIRED. FOR SALE. Huffmaster has received his commission from the Governor. We may expect some good music the Fourth. per acre; Rye, 32 bu. Our town is starting to boom, and there is not a brick on the market. This race was followed by fast and slow mule races, which created considerable fun, and by a fat and lean man's race. Extinction was released on November 6th, 2018 for PC and released on November 13th for Xbox One and PS4, and is available for purchase through the Season Pass. Call Contact Us Website. Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1879. And which demonstrated the unrivaled ability of corn juice to get up a first class show. Young stockyear- lings and two year oldscould not be bought; there were none for sale but thousands on the range. This would take a dike of 600 feet every half mile for 13 miles, or 7,800 feet in all. CITY RESTAURANT, C. S. MAVIS, Proprietor. Lawyers, who have no interest in the question, place the responsibility of the debt upon the trustee. Brig. The statutes of the United States also make it penal offense for any white person not an employee of Government to locate therein without special permit from lawful authority. It is situated on the headwaters of Skull Creek, 4-1/2 miles north of State line. [LETTER FROM C. M. SCOTT: TERRITORY MATTERS.]. A Doomed City. At the Kaw Agency, a good laundress. A Pawnee Indian was shot through the head and killed on the south part of the townsite Monday evening. The Legislature passed a law of considerable importance concerning schools, of which the following is the substance. Why, man, your slur at the noble Arkansas is ungenerous. You can't afford to bring upon yourselves the trouble and loss his followers will surely meet. FOR SALE. They came into Arkansas City one hot day and cooled their fevered brow in the shade of a limb of the law. In all seriousness, fellow farmers, can you afford to be thus taken in many times more! The R. R. surveyors are locating the permanent survey between this City and Winfield. 16, 17, 19 and 20, blk. Cowley County (620) 442-4200. Most of the emigrants are from Missouri. Benedict Bro's. Yard and Shop near my Residence in ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS. THE TERRITORY AGAIN. FOR SALE. Taken up by the undersigned at Arkansas City, one hog. KEEP OUT OF THE TERRITORY. He got a judgment against the Agent, and the case was taken to the Supreme Court of Kansas. Cushman to enjoy the hospitalities of the soldiers in a moonlight hop. 4. School closed last Friday with a good year's work done. We are pained to learn that Col. Barrett was stricken Sunday with an attack of epilepsy. Rev. Single meal, 25 cents. June 2020 will mark the 5th anniversary of ARK: Survival Evolved, and what an amazing five years it’s been! Keokuk said he would pay his own expenses and started, and got to Lawrence, where the Agent had him arrested and brought before a U. S. Commissioner who put him in jail, as Jimmy Christian, his attorney said, "with thieves, robbers, and other vile characters." "That bill must be killed or we will not build the road," says the General Manager and President of the Atchison road. On Wednesday night last, at Arkansas City, infant son of Marshall Mott. Charles Parker is commencing to erect a large Stone Shop on Summit Street. [REPORT FROM "CHRISTMAS" - SPRING CREEK TOWNSHIP.]. After reaching the grounds the first thing in order was the speaking. Geo. Pat. Roll in boys. R. HUFFMASTER, Captain. Dr. Dougan, well known by our citizens as the former physician for the Osages and later for the Pawnees, furnished the Semi-Weekly of last Wednesday with an account of the capture and escape of Mrs. Fanny Kelly, who was held in captivity by the Sioux for several years. LeClare's room helping Ed. Newspaper. The party who swore out a warrant for the arrest of some of the squad, for assault, obtained a fine of seven dollars against them. The Government is resolved to put all invaders out of the Territory, and we advise all who are not seeking a pitched battle to keep out of there. An assault was made upon Mr. Hiatt, Superintendent of the boarding school at Pawnee Agency, on Sunday 14th inst., by R. S. Ball, a former employee. News. DIED. Now let the city council drain that slough on the southwest of town, and benefit the health of the city. He is building a large Stone Shop where first class workmen are on hand to serve the wants of the public. George Whitney is at Manitou Springs, Colorado. Troops from Camp Supply and Fort Sill have already been there, and the result was settlers were strung out all along the road on their way back, cursing the country, the soldiers, and above all, the Kansas City Times, and its "pal"Carpenter. Mr. Hargis, of Wichita, was down last week with a view of locating a flouring mill in this vicinity. The ARK: Survival Evolved reference manual written and maintained by the players. Fashionable and durable work assured in all cases. I think our worst bar was at the mouth of Cimarron, where the water spread evenly over the whole rivera smooth, solid bar, but sounding two feet. The contractors on the Cowley, Sumner and Ft. Smith R. R. are advertising for men to work, offering to pay $1.50 per day. There have been two courts in session hereState and United Statesand I have had a chance to see that summary dispensation of justice we read of in the U. S. Courts. He is a pleasing writer, but from the wind-up of the article, we fear that "handsome face, graceful figure, cheeks bedecked with dimples, and the blush of the rose," were a little too much for him. Himple is the commanding officer of this company. --- Various amusements will be provided for the pleasure of the crowd, to be used as required, as follows: Croquet, Foot Ball, Base Ball, Skiffs, Blind Fold Wheel Barrow Race, etc. L. J. Webb and Bert Covert were down from Winfield last Thursday. On this part of the river snags are becoming more plentiful. All of us have our household duties, but I hope none of us are so blind to the calls of charity as to merit this rebuke, which the doctor might take to his own home, with some of the consistency he prates about.

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